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Required Description
{ yes
"<class>": { Hierarchy yes Configuration for EAS class (__all, image, video, audio, office, archive, unknown, vector2d, vector3d)
⇨⇨"__all": { [ ] Hierarchy yes Contains class version definitions
⇨⇨⇨"<versionname>": { Hierarchy no Contains the specific version definition
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_size": String no Size (e.g. 128, 640x480, x12 or 45x)
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_size_min": String no 1: Specified size is desired minimum and not maximum size (from (version) version 4.2.47)
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_format": String no File format of the version
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_alpha": String no Transparency settings, an option from on , off , set order opaque (default off ; see also “ImageMagick documentation”: http: // /script/command-line-options.php#alpha)
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_quality": Integer no Quality of the output file from 0 to 100 (depending on the output format)
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_no_enlarge": Integer no 1: Do not enlarge if the original size is smaller than the requested size (from (version) version 4.2.34)
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_no_fallback": Integer no
⇨⇨⇨⇨"priority": Integer no
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_page": Integer no a page is to be extracted (counting starts at 0)
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_extractdpi": Integer no When converting Office documents to images, this DPI number should be used (default:300)
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_metadata": Integer no JSON list of rows for Exiftool for writing metadata (see option - from Exiftool)
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_rotate": Integer no Angle of rotation in degrees
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_mirror": Integer no Mirroring at the specified axis ( x or y)
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_crop": Integer no Cut out an image area ( <w> x <h> + <x> + <y>, for example 400x300 + 100 + 30 )
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_size_force": Integer no 1: Force Size (Disallow Aspect Ratio)
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_size_limit": Integer no 1: Do not create version if the original size is smaller than the requested size
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_dpi": Integer no DPI setting for the output file (does not affect the size)
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_wm_image": Integer no Watermark image to be included in the version (specified with absolute path, which is readable for www-data).
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_wm_dissolve": Integer no Watermark transparency (from 0- invisible - up to 100- covering - the default is 50)
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_wm_gravity": Integer no Aligning the watermark (direction of the sky), an option from: c (default), n, e, s, w, ne, nw, se, Sw
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_wm_size": Integer no 100x100 or 50% x50% (default: 100% x100%;
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_wm_tile": Integer no 1: Watermark is tiled. Target_wm_gravity is not taken into account in this case. (Ab (version) version 4.2.36)
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_colorspace": Integer no Color space, tested with rgb, cmyk and gray
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_numcolors": Integer no Number of colors, possible values: 2 .. 256 , 32k , 64k , 16m. The color depth is correspondingly adjusted to 8, 15, 16 and 32 bits, respectively. (From 4.1.1)
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_profile": Integer no File name of a color profile file for convert . If only a file name is specified without a path, the profile file is searched (starting from 4.1.1) in the eas/data directory of the EAS
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_compress": Integer no Compression method for output file (depending on format, for example lzw )
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_strip": Integer no 1: remove all metadata
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_no_rgb": Integer no 1: no automatic conversion to RGB
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_no_autorot": Integer no 1: no automatic rotation/mirroring using EXIF ​​tags
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_zoomer": Integer no 1: Preparing the version for the zoomer ( target_format must be jpg )
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_duration": Integer no Number of seconds from beginning to be calculated for a video version. If not set, the complete video will be converted. (Ab (version) Version 4.2.32)
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_audio_bitrate": Integer no Audio bit rate for video and audio files, e.g. 160k (ab (version) Version 4.2.49)
⇨⇨⇨⇨"target_video_bitrate": Integer no Video bit rate for video, e.g. 800k (ab (version) Version 4.2.49)

Custom version configuration

Edit eas_produce.json and add the variants you desire.

Example: Adding a variant with maximum size of 500 pixels:

"image": {
  "__all": {
	  "500px": {
			"target_size": "500x500",
			"target_size_min": "1",
			"target_format": "png",
			"target_alpha": "on",
			"target_no_enlarge": "1",
			"priority": "12"


For complete examples about versioning in easydb5, please refer to this.