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User Settings

User Menu

The user menu displays information about your user. The details, which can be adapted and changed in the user settings, are described below.


Change the settings for your user. The easydb administrator can specify which settings you can make here. If some of the functions are missing, it is because they are not released.

User Settings

Setting Note
Login Your login(= username), if it was created. This can not be changed here
Owner The owner who created this user. This can be the easydb administrator or another user who has the right to create users. The owner can not be changed
ID Each record, including that of users, gets an ID when creating in easydb. This can not be changed here
First name Is an optional field. If it is shared for your user, it is a mandatory field. The first name can be changed by you
Surname Is an optional field. If it is shared for your user, it is a mandatory field. You can change the surname
Ad Name Optional ad name for your user. This user has not made any friends yet
Company Optional company name.
Department Optional department
Telephone Optional telephone number.
Picture The image can be positioned by the drag & drop function(hold with the left mouse button). Other users are viewing this image
Comments You see this field, the easydb administrator, and any user who has the right to user management
Created Logged time of creating your user.
Address addition Optional field.
Street Optional field.
ZIP Optional field.
City Optional field.
Country Optional field.
Current e-mail Your current main e-mail address.
New e-mail Enter a new e-mail address, which will become the main e-mail as soon as it has been confirmed by you
E-mail schedule For information on how to configure the e-mail schedule, see the section “Management” under User
Groups List of the Groups, which your user is a member of. The membership to easydb groups as well as to system groups is displayed.

Change Password

Change Password

If the administrator allows, you can change your password here.

Setting Note
Current password Your current password. If you have forgotten your current password, you can start the Forgotten-Password-Process on the login page (if allowed by the administrator)
New password Your new password. The server can reject the password if you are using a password that has already been used or the password does not meet the requirements. Both are set by the easydb administrator
New password(repeat) Enter the new password again. Only if the input here corresponds to the input for the new password, the process can be terminated and the new password can be saved
Display password If set, you can display the password unencrypted to check your input