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Summary: Undo all the steps of your installation.

The rest of this page is an example uninstallation under Debian or Ubuntu, which is based on our recommended Installation.


If you want to make a backup uninstalling, see chapter Operation on how to do that. Make sure you move the backup somewhere safe.

If you installed more than one easydb on one server (uncommon), see how they might be separated in chapter Instantiation.

Stop easydb

Stop the easydb components with:

docker stop  easydb-webfrontend
docker rm -v easydb-webfrontend

docker stop  easydb-server
docker rm -v easydb-server

docker stop  easydb-fylr
docker rm -v easydb-fylr

docker stop  easydb-eas
docker rm -v easydb-eas

docker stop  easydb-elasticsearch
docker rm -v easydb-elasticsearch

docker stop  easydb-pgsql
docker rm -v easydb-pgsql

This will also prevent the docker contianers from being started after errors and after booting the underyling Linux, even with the --restart=always option which we recommend during container creation.

If you have done integration into init, systemd, etc., then consider removing that, too. But typically, that is not needed and not done.

Remove the data store

In the example installation, we use the “/srv/easydb” directory for all data, including configuration, SQL data, assets, scripts.

Be careful to delete the correct directory and not anything you want to keep, like backups.

rm -rf $BASEDIR

Remove dedicated docker network

docker network rm easy5net

Remove downloaded docker container images

You can list the downloaded container images with:

docker images

Then you can delete some of those images, see the command help:

docker image rm --help

Instead, you can uninstall docker and delete its data directory, typically /var/lib/docker/.

Log rotation

Remove /etc/logrotate.d/easydb, if you followed the recommended place to configure log rotation.

related infrastructure

If you configured a webserver for easydb, for example Apache as in this page, remove that configuration.