DE EN EN (Google)


Tags can be attached to different kinds of base and user objects. They can be used to assign rights, as well as to build workflows.

Tags can be grouped in “tag groups”.

Tag description

Name Description
_basetype Name of the base type (string, r): tag
_acl ACL (array of acl entries, rw, optional)
tag Tag attributes:
_id Tag ID (integer, unique, r)
lookup:_id Lookup for tag ID
type Tag type (string, optional, rw): individual (default), all_versions
displaytype Display type (string, rw)
enabled Mark this tag as enabled (boolean, optional, rw): defaults to true
sticky Mark this tag as sticky (boolean, optional, rw): defaults to false
is_default Mark this tag as being default (boolean, optional, rw): defaults to false
displayname Name to display for the tag (l10n, unique in the context of a tag group, rw)
description Description of the tag (l10n, optional, rw)
frontend_prefs Frontend preferences (JSON object, optional, nullable, rw)
reference Tag reference (string, unique, optional, rw): can be used for lookups for _id
shortname Tag short name (string, unique, optional, rw): can be used for lookups for _id

For information about the meaning of enabled and sticky, see rights management.

The tag type controls how this tag will be used across versions:

Tag group description

Name Description
_basetype Name of the base type (string, r): taggroup
_tags Tags in this tag group (array of tag descriptions, rw)
taggroup Tag group attributes:
_id Tag group ID (integer, unique, r)
lookup:_id Lookup for tag group ID
type Tag group type (string, rw): checkbox, choice
displayname Name to display for the tag group (l10n, unique, rw)
reference Tag group reference (string, unique, rw): used for lookups for _id
shortname Tag group short name (string, unique, rw)