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Sending E-mails

The easydb sends emails to its users to ask for confirmation and to inform about certain changes.

Due to the abuse of the Internet’s email infrastructure, most of our custumers’ networks require that all outgoing email is handed over to a central email relay in that network.

The easydb assumes that there is always such a relay und thus this has to be configured in the easydb for emails to work.

Configuration example

The examples below assume that the relay has the address, and that this mail server will relay mails coming from the easydb host if the easydb host is and if the emails have the sender address

Assuming that the base path choosen during the installation is /srv/easydb, add into … (but without creating e.g. a second server line):


    enabled: true



Before the 2018-12-12 release 5.44 there was a section common in easydb5-master.yml. This has been replaced by the server- and EAS-specific configuration seen above.

docker restart eas easydb-server

Mail Transfer

easydb will make several attempts to send each email and then gives up if no attemps succeeded. Success is determined by the exit code of the sendmail program, which is provided by the mail transfer agent “dma” in the containers.

easydb just sends emails but does neither accept nor process emails, even error emails which are direct results of the sent emails. If you want to process answers to emails then set the smtp:from-address (see above) setting to an address where you receive the emails. Also fill all email settings in the frontend.

If you want the easydb mail sending process to authenticate towards your smtp relay, we suggest to install postfix e.g. on the container host and do the configuration there. This postfix can then just trust the IP network of the containers. We recommend that the easydb configuration talks to postfix on the main IP address ( in the example above), since this will reliably be up when postfix starts and thus postfix can listen there. The container network may not be up while postfix starts, so postfix might not listen there.

Test E-mail sending

test using SMTP directly

docker exec -ti easydb-server bash

apt-get install telnet
telnet 25

mail from:<>
rcpt to:<>
Subject: test via SMTP


test using the mail program in the container

docker exec -ti easydb-server bash

echo "Subject: testing dma"| dma

Optional: Check the configration that was built for dma, using your settings from easydb5-master.yml:

docker exec easydb-server cat /etc/dma/dma.conf

test using the easydb web-frontend

  1. In upper right hand corner of the frontend: click on your ‘‘‘user’’’(e.g. root) and open ‘‘‘settings’’’.
  2. Change ‘‘’email address’’’ to an address that you receive - a confirmation request email is sent.

E-mails which are sent immediately

For certain operations, emails are sent from the server. The following emails are sent immediately (1):

Name When is the email sent? To which addresses is the email sent?
welcome_new_user A user is created To the “best” (2) email address of the newly created user
updated_self_service A user changes his own data To the “best” (2) email address of the user
updated_record The data of a user is edited (by someone else) To the “best” (2) email address of the user
forgot_password A user initiates the Forgot Password process To the specified email address, or if the login was used, to the “best” (2)
confirm_email - An email needs confirmation To the email address to be confirmed
- because it has been modified or newly created by the user
- because the administrator has set it
require_password_change A user is requested to change his password To the “best” (2) email address of the user
login_disabled A user is locked (3) To the “best” (2) email address of the user
share_collection A user was invited to a collection To the “best” (2) email address of the user
transition_resolve A transition has been triggered and the email is immediate Mailer decides
transition_reject A transition has been rejected and the email is scheduled Mailer decides
transport An export is finished and the user receives the data by email (transport “email”) To the “best” (2) email address of the user
export An export is finished (message for the export producer) To the first email address of the user who has send_email


(1) “immediate” means that they will be processed and sent at the next run of the process “mailer”. The frequency Can be set in the configuration (mailer.interval) and is default one minute.

(2) The “best” email address is the preferred email address when it is set. Otherwise, it is the user’s first email address. If the user has not set an email address, the email is not sent.

(3) When a user is locked (login_disabled), an email is sent. While it is locked, no further emails will be sent.

In addition, there is an email, which is sent “scheduled”. This means that it will be sent at the time the user is in his or her home “Schedule”:

Name When is the email generated? To which addresses is the email sent?
transition_resolve A transition has been triggered and the email is scheduled Mailer decides
transition_reject A transition has been rejected and the email is scheduled Mailer decides

The transitions can be configured so that the emails can be sent individually or together (batchable). In the latter case, operations for The same transition (i.e., the same transition ID) in the transition table (see below).

E-mail templates

The server creates the emails from templates. Templates are emails in mbox format.

To create your own template we suggest to …

We added easydb specific placeholders and therefore we explain them in more detail below.

You only need a few header lines in a template, example:

X-Easydb-Message-Type: login_disabled
Subject: Uni Atlantis Mediathek - Benutzerkonto gesperrt

Each template must only contain one email.

But for the rest of the mbox format please refer to external sources, e.g.


The email templates may contain placeholders which easydb will later replace. A placeholder looks like this:

An example:

Subject: %(



<name> is the name of the variable to be replaced. <type> determines the format for the value:

Type Meaning
s Text
i Integer
ui Positive integer
d Date + Time
D Date

When the email is built, the placeholder is replaced by the value of the variable in the desired format. The values and the date and time formats are localized. This means, The user will receive an email in his / her language.

Variables of type “s” can also contain placeholders. The server allows nested placeholders as long as they do not repeat.

And is provided by the server itself.

The server has an internal localization map with the following entry:

"","E-Mail für %(_generated_displayname)s","E-mail for %(_generated_displayname)s"

And again, _generated_displayname is provided by the server itself.

The localization map can only be changed by programming a plugin for the easydb or by a tailored solution by Programmfabrik.

But you can just copy an existing template and change that:


These variables can be used in the email templates:

Variable Value
_generated_displayname A representation name of the user that is created from the user’s name, login, or email address, depending on availability
_login_or_email The login name of the user or, if not available, the email address of the user
first_name The user ’s first name
last_name The surname of the user
login The login name of the user
easydb_url The URL of easydb
easydb_name The name of the easydb
lang The selected language of the user

Depending on the type of email, other variables are also available:

Email Type Variable Value
updated_self_service self_service_fields_table HTML table with the data edited by the user (before / after)
updated_record updated_fields_table HTML table with the data edited (before / after)
forgot_password task_link URL for resetting the password
require_password_change task_link URL for changing the password
confirm_email task_link URL for email confirmation
share_collection collection_name Name of Collection
share_collection collection_description Description of the collection
share_collection collection_link URL to collection
transport export_id Export ID
transport export_name Name of the export
transport downloads HTML table with the files of the export and links to the downloads
transport (*) User configured message
transition_ {resolve / reject} transitions Transitions HTML table with information about the operations that caused the transition
transition_ {resolve / reject} (*) User-configured subject
transition_ {resolve / reject} (*) User configured body

The variables that are marked with (*) can be overwritten by the user with their own texts if a transition or export is configured.

Change a template

Get a built-in template as a starting point: (example: The template used for emails in case of disabled login)

The filename has to be chosen among the existing templates. To list templates, use the following command:

docker exec easydb-server ls /easydb-5/base/email

Copy the chosen template, in our example, login_disabled.mbox:

docker exec easydb-server cat /easydb-5/base/email/login_disabled.mbox > /srv/easydb/config/mail/login_disabled.mbox

In the example above we use /srv/easydb as the base path. Please adjust to the one which was used during the installation of your easydb.

The first path in the command line above is inside the docker container. The directories there do not need to be adjusted.

Configure that your edited version shall be used from now on, in easydb-server.yml:

  login_disabled:           /config/mail/login_disabled.mbox

The Path /config/[…] is inside the docker container and should thus not be prefixed with /srv/easydb. Instead, docker provides that /srv/easydb/config is usable inside the container as /config. (It is a “mapped volume”.)

Change the template, for exampe the subject line, into:

Subject: easydb login disabled for %(_generated_displayname)s

Restart the docker container “easydb-server” (or the whole easydb).

docker restart easydb-server