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Auto Keyworder Plugin

This page describes the server configuration in easydb-server.yml for the Auto Keyworder Plugin.

Enabling the plugin

To use the plugin, it must be enabled in easydb-server.yml:


Basic Settings

The following configuration can be added to easydb-server.yml under the top level key auto_keyworder. This is only necessary if you want to override the default values.

The webhook_hmac is optional and only necessary if you want to use the additional Plugin API features.

Variable Type Min Max Default Description
baseconfig_poll_interval_sec Integer 1 10
  • Delay in seconds before the main loop loads the base config and updates the plugin configurations
  • If a worker loop is running at the moment, the delay is applied after the worker loops are done
  • If start_now is set to True in the Base Configuration or by the API call, this flag will also be checked with this delay (see below)
poll_start_hour Integer 0 23 0
  • Specify a hour between 0 and 23
  • The next time where the objects are searched and updated is the next possible time when this full hour is reached
poll_every_days Integer 0 0
  • The next update time would be starting at the next day
  • This value can be increased to wait several days before starting the update process again
  • A value of 0 means the worker loop runs every day
search_chunk_size Integer 1 1000 50 (Maximum) number of objects that are searched in one batch
webhook_hmac String (optional)
  • HMAC secret to authenticate API calls. If this value is not set, the plugin API can not be used
  • This value must also be used for webhooks to start the update process

Logging levels

The plugin has different log levels, the top level debugger is pf.plugin.base.auto_keyworder.

For detailled logging, the log level for the following logger can be set to debug:

The debug level is very verbose and prints the parsed base configurations, and other often repeated information to the console. Only activate this log level if necessary.

Example Configuration in easydb-server.yml

  baseconfig_poll_interval_sec: 30
  poll_start_hour: 0
  poll_every_days: 3
  search_chunk_size: 500
  webhook_hmac: '894wf76w93487t3f9'

  pf.plugin.base.auto_keyworder: debug