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EAS-API: /put

The put-request is used to import an asset into the EAS.

Example{"producer": "admin"}


key value
instance Name of the target entity
filename Path to the file to be taken
original_filename Original file name of file
symlink value 1 to link file symbolically instead of copy
hardlink value 1 to link file (hard-link) instead of copy
thumbnailsize if set, a thumbnail version is created with this size (for example 128x128)
thumbnailpriority Priority of the thumbnail version (from EAS 4.2.31)
thumbnail_target_* Options for implicit thumbnail version (alternative to thumbnailsize, from EAS 4.2.40)
custom JSON object with name value options (stored and shipped but not evaluated or modified)
parent_id Asset ID of the parent asset (should not be used normally but is for migrations)
no_fulltext_index Do not include the asset in the full text index (from EAS 4.2.12)
expires expiration interval, e.g. 7d for 7 days
reap Asset ID and hash of a version of another asset that is to be imported as an original, for example 2364/f1d2d2f924e986ac86fdf7b36c94bcdf32beec15. This option is not recommended
dispose_source_asset The asset of the version taken with reap will be deleted after extraction
dispose_source_version The version taken with reap will be deleted after extraction
url the processing is carried out by “/rput”:../rput, all options are passed to this handler
zipasdirectory value 1, if a uploaded ZIP is to be unpacked on the server (from EAS 4.2.49)
webdvdasdirectory as zipasdirectory , but only for ending (from EAS 4.2.49)


As an alternative to thumbnailsize, all other parameters of the implicitly created thumbnail version can be determined as of EAS 4.2.40. All target_* options from /produce are possible, but the options must include the prefix thumbnail_. The specification of thumbnail_target_format is decisive. Also useful is the setting of thumbnail_target_size. thumbnailpriority is also valid when using thumbnail_target_*.

Upload the file

Alternatively to specifying the file path via filename, the file can also be uploaded directly. This can be done either directly or in a form.

Direct Upload

Usually through HTTP PUT, for instance, with curl:

curl -XPUT -H 'Content-Type: image/png' -T test.png

Upload in the Form

With this approach only one file can be uploaded at a time. The name of the form field (in the example file) does not matter, for instance, with curl:

curl -XPOST -F file=@test.png