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This page is about an installation of a simplified easydb 5, under Windows Server 2019, which can store up to about 500 GB of uploads.

This is not a recommended standard installation method of easydb. It is for small and very simple installations, and due to the Windows platform, still experimental.

This installation method hides all Linux technology from you inside a prepared VM. If you have Linux knowledge, we advise you to instead use another installation method, as these allow to change the easydb later: Disk size, authentication mechanisms, etc..


More general requirements for hardware: Prerequisites - but that page assumes a Linux installation.


Commands to download (8,5 GB) and start the VM:

$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "download_password" -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("partner", $secpasswd)

Start-BitsTransfer -Source "" -Destination "" -Credential $cred -Authentication Basic



Install-WindowsFeature -Name Hyper-V -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools -Restart

New-VM -Name easydb -MemoryStartupBytes 16GB -VHDPath C:\Users\Administrator\easydb.vhdx

Make the VM able to reach a DHCP-Server before the next command:

Start-VM -VMName easydb

Make port 80 reachable for your browser. With our DHCP-example, a supported browser, e.g. Chrome on the Windows Server itself would already be able to surf to the easydb, at

Initial login

Log into the easydb webfrontend with login name root and the frontend password you need from us. The easydb should be ready for this in less than two minutes after starting the VM.

We strongly recommend that you change your password immediately. After you have logged into the web frontend, there is a button for your user profile, at the top, right hand side.


Here an example on how to create a DHCP service that the VM will be able to reach - a local service, in this case:

During our testing we created a virtual switch of type Internal, in the “Hyper V Manager”. We then added to the Windows Server the static IP, pointing at this new virtual switch.

The feature “DHCP server” was then added to this Windows Server and bound to only listen at The DHCP server serves the single IP as a lease and informs clients that is the Router IP and about a DNS Server IP (for example

The VM was connected to the virtual switch - all just before the Start-VM command.

You may not need the following to get the easydb running.
