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Editor plugin

The editor plugin is a general callback plugin for the editor.

The example Plugin contains an example for this Plugin.

Currently there are two callback implemented: checkForm and onSave.


The method is called with every form update. The method can return an Array of instances of CheckDataProblems.

Most important info in opts:

key description
resultObject Instance of ResultObject. This has all information about the current object. Use .getData() to get the current map of data.
editor Instance of the Editor. Use that (editor_info) to check which editor you are in.

A CheckDataProblem takes:

option description
text The text describing the problem, this needs to be localized. Use $$("<loca.string.key>") to localize a CSV loaded key
field The instance of the field where the problem exists.
renderedField The instance of the rendered field where the problem exists. It is used to set the red triangle marker in the Frontend. The rendered field can be obtained from the data map. Inside the data map each field has a corresponding entry with a key called <name of the field>:rendered. This can be used to set the rendered Field option.
class ez5.ExampleEditorPlugin extends ez5.EditorPlugin
	checkForm: (opts) ->
		data = opts.resultObject.getData()
		problems = []

        // this is a bogus check if any of the provided data reads "Example"
		ok = false
		for k, v of data[data._objecttype]
			if v == "Example"
				ok = true

		if !ok
			problems.push(new CheckDataProblem(text: "ExampleEditorPlugin: One field needs to be filled with **Example**."))

		return problems

ez5.session_ready ->


This method is called when the user presses the save button. It is called before the actual saving takes place, so before the user is asked to comment the save and before any data is sent to the server.

It is called for all editor modes, so for bulk as well as single and new.

key description
resultObject Instance of ResultObject. This has all information about the current object. Use .getData() to get the current map of data.
editor Instance of the Editor. Use that (editor_info) to check which editor you are in.
objectList Instance of ObjectList. This holds all the objects in the editor, inluding a template. Use this to access all data which is used to create the payload for the server.
	onSave: (opts) ->
		console.debug("ExampleEditorPlugin.onSave, data of the current object:", opts.resultObject.getData())
		# you can do data checks or changes here
		return CUI.confirm(text: "Do you really want to save?")
ez5.session_ready ->