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A mask defines how objects of a certain objecttype are seen and manipulated. Easydb lets you define different masks for an objecttype and associate them with users. For each user schema definition, a maskset definition must be provided, which comprises all masks that apply for the objecttypes of the given schema. The maskset definition can change while the schema definition remains unchanged.

The maskset can be provided/retrieved in JSON and XML format. Below is a description of the JSON format.


Name Description
version Maskset version (integer, rw): the version starts at 1 and is used to control concurrent changes
based_on_schema_version Schema version this maskset is based on (integer, rw): ref Schema.version
max_mask_id Maximum value of a mask ID (integer, optional, rw)
masks Masks (array of mask definitions, rw)

Mask definition

Name Description
name Name of the mask (string, unique, rw)
mask_id Mask ID (integer, unique, auto-generated, r)
table_id Table this mask applies to (integer, rw): ref table
is_preferred Marks the preferred mask for an objecttype (boolean, optional, rw): defaults to false
hide_in_editor Hide in editor (not used by server; boolean, optional, rw). Defaults to false
hide_in_detail Hide in detail (not used by server; boolean, optional, rw). Defaults to false
require_comment Ask user to supply a comment on saving an object (enum, optional, rw). Possible values: never, default-enabled, default-disabled, always.
fields Fields (array of field definitions, rw)

The maskset must define a preferred mask - and only one - for a given objecttype.

The mask name must follow these rules:

Field definition

Fields can be regular fields, links, linked tables or splitters. They are classified using the attribute “kind”.

Regular fields:

A mask definition for a regular column (see Schema).

Name Description
kind Field kind (string, rw): field
column_id Column this field refers to (integer, rw): ref column (*)
column_name_hint Column this field refers to (string, rw): ref column (*)
edit Edit properties (edit properties, rw)
output Output properties (output properties, rw)
search Search properties (search properties, optional, rw)

(*) at least one of column_id and column_name_hint must be provided when updating a mask.

A mask definition for a link (see Schema). Links use the masks that are defined for the linked type.

Name Description
kind Field kind (string, rw): link
column_id Column this field refers to (integer, rw): ref column (*)
column_name_hint Column this field refers to (string, rw): ref column (*)
other_table_id Referenced table ID (integer, rw): ref table (*)
other_table_name_hint Referenced table name (string, rw): ref table (*)
mask_id Mask that should be used (string, rw): ref or “PREFERRED”
inline Inline format (one of standard, text, short, optional, defaults to standard)
edit Edit properties (edit properties, rw)
output Output properties (output properties, rw)
search Search properties (search properties, optional, rw)

(*) at least one of xxx_id and xxx_name_hint must be provided when updating a mask.

Setting mask_id to PREFERRED means that the mask that has is_preferred set to true for the table will be used.

Linked table:

A mask definition for a (reverse) linked table (see Schema).

Name Description
kind Field kind (string, rw): linked-table or reverse-linked-table
is_hierarchical Whether the table is hierarchical (integer, optional, rw) (*)
other_table_id Referenced table ID (integer, rw): ref table (*)
other_table_name_hint Referenced table name (string, rw): ref table (*)
other_column_id Referenced column ID (integer, rw): ref column (*)
other_column_name_hint Referenced column name (string, rw): ref column (*)
mask (Private) mask definition to be applied for the table (mask definition)
sort_first_field Set sort order for first field (optional, “asc”, “desc” or empty). Sorting is currently not done by server but this attribute is saved for client implementation.
edit Edit properties for linked tables (edit properties, rw)
nested_sort Definition of server-side sorting for this linked table (nested sort properties, rw, optional)

(*) when is_hierarchical is true, the attributes *_id and *_name_hint are omitted. Otherwise, at least one of other_table_id or other_table_name_hint and other_column_id or other_column_name_hint must be provided when updating a mask


Name Description
kind Field kind (string, rw): splitter
type Type of splitter (string, rw): for example: “panel-begin”, “panel-end”, “h1”
options Splitter options (string, optional, rw)

Edit properties for regular fields

Name Description
mode Edit mode (string, rw): edit, off or show
group_edit Whether this field can be used in a group edit action (boolean, rw)

Edit properties for linked tables

Name Description
mode Edit mode (string, rw): edit, off or show
append_only Only allow to append entries (boolean, rw): only for (reverse) linked tables
as_table Show as table (boolean, rw): only for (reverse) linked tables
show_labels Show labels (boolean, rw): only for (reverse) linked tables

Output properties

Name Description
text Show as text (boolean)
detail Show in detail view (boolean)
table Show in table view (boolean)
standard Stardard rendering options (standard properties)

Nested Sorting properties

This is a list of sort definitions, each entry is a JSON object with these fields:

Name Description
field field name in dotted format, relative to the linked table. For a simple fields it’s just the field name, for the pool name of a linked object it is <link column name>.<linked table name>
order sort order, either asc or desc (defaults to asc)


    "field": "prefer"
    "field": "",
    "order": "desc"

Standard properties

The Server builds the standard for objects according to the standard properties of the mask.

Standard for Text and HTML

Name Description
order Order (integer, rw): 1, 2, 3
format Format options (string, rw): brackets, newline, comma, semicolon, round-parentheses, square-brackets, pipe

Standard for Assets (EAS)

Name Description
order Order (integer, rw): 1, 2, 3

Standard A, B and C usages

A B C Standard file Comment
Search standard view
Mini X Only the image is shown if defined.
Midi X X
Maxi + Fill + Overlay X X
Maxi + Thumbnail/Cover + Overlay/Underlay X X
Maxi + Thumbnail/Cover + Sideways X X X X
Search text view X No standard information is displayed, the “text” fields from the object are shown.
Search table view
Mini X X
Midi X X
Maxi X X
Sorting heading X
Search list view
Mini X X
Midi X X
Maxi X X
Detail view
Summary X Only the first not empty standard is shown.
Hierarchy browser X X Only the first not empty standard is shown.
Hierarchy field X X Only the first not empty standard is shown.
Fullscreen X X
Linked object
Standard X (X) X B is shown in editor only.
Text No standard information is displayed, the “text” fields from the linked object are shown.
Short X


Search properties

Name Description
fulltext Fulltext search allowed (boolean)
expert Expert search allowed (boolean)
facet Faceting allowed (boolean)