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Generating JSON Payloads

The example that is given here can only be considered as one of many possible solutions.

Each source material needs specialized tools to convert the data into payloads. Basically, any source can be read and converted using any script or programming language.

In this example, the way to convert data from a database dump in CSV format into valid JSON payloads, is described. It uses a helper tool to generate a sqlite database from various input sources, and a python script that reads the sqlite database and writes JSON files.


To perform the migration, that is described here, you need the following tools:

It is helpful to install the DB Browser for SQLite to look into the generated database. Otherwise, the commandline tool sqlite3 can be used.


To describe the necessary steps, let’s assume the following scenario: There is a CSV dump from some database system, that we use as the source.

The names of the places in orte.csv are referenced in the objects in bilder.csv

Converting the CSV files to a Sqlite database

Using a sqlite database as the source for the payload script has proven to be an efficient and low-performance way to generate payloads from different sources.


Download or clone the public easydb-migration-tools repository. From this repository, we use the python script. This script can convert different sources to sqlite, for example MySQL databases, XML or CSV files.

When running the python script, you might get multiple errors for missing imports. These libraries need to be installed to be able to run the script.

The following command creates the sqlite file migration_data.sqlite:

./ --init --target migration_data.sqlite file --CSV path/to/csv/files/orte.csv path/to/csv/files/bilder.csv

Please note:

  • Every value in the CSV file will be saved as a TEXT in the database
  • Other datatypes must be parsed in the script or converted in the SQL statement
  • This means especially, there are no NULL values. Every empty value from the CSV is saved as an empty string

Structure of generated tables

For each CSV file, a table is created in the database:

These tables include all columns from the CSV files, as well as two columns that are generated by the script:

These are the generated tables in the sqlite file:


__source_unique_id __source_inserted_time id parent name
1 2020-04-23 11:53:01 1 Europa
2 2020-04-23 11:53:01 2 1 Deutschland
3 2020-04-23 11:53:01 3 2 Berlin
4 2020-04-23 11:53:01 4 2 Brandenburg


__source_unique_id __source_inserted_time inventarnummer data-from date-to title-de title-en image date ort fotograf schlagworte public
1 2020-04-23 11:53:01 987654321 1.4.2020 8.4.2020 Berliner Fernsehturm Berlin TV Tower 6.4.2020 Berlin Max Mustermann Stadt;Panorama true
2 2020-04-23 11:53:01 112233 1.4.2020 7.4.2020 Berglandschaft 1.4.2020 Panorama true

Tipps for performance and things to consider


The easydb API does not accept more than 1000 objects per request.

This needs to be considered when there are more than 1000 sets of data in the source. In this case, you need to select the data in batches and save each batch in a different payload file.

This can be done by working with OFFSET and LIMIT in the SQL statements.

Performance of SQL statements

The generated sqlite database has no indices by default. SQL statements on the tables can be very slow. By creating indices for columns that are used in clauses, the speed of the statements and so the migration script in general can be drastically increased.

For this example database, the following columns are referenced in WHERE clauses:

To add indices for these columns, run these statements in the database:

CREATE INDEX orte_parent_idx ON "source.orte.csv" ( parent );
CREATE INDEX bilder_inventarnummer_idx ON "source.bilder.csv" ( inventarnummer );

Python script

This is the python script that reads the sqlite database and generates the migration payloads. All the logic is in this file, the mapping of database fields into easydb fields happens in the code.

The complete python script can be downloaded here.


We need the following packages:

import sqlite3
import json
import datetime
import sys

We also use some helper functions from easydb-migration-tools. To include these, the path to the repository needs to be added to the system paths:

import migration_util

Replace path/to/ with the folder where you cloned easydb-migration-tools.

Helper functions

Formatting date values

The date format in the CSV has a different format than the easydb format for date values: 1.4.2020 (, which can not be saved in the database. The date must be parsed and reformatted in the form 2020-04-01 (YYYY-mm-dd).

The following helper function parses the date string from the database and uses the format, which is defined in the migration_util package:

def format_date(input):
        d = datetime.datetime.strptime(input, '%d.%m.%Y')
        return migration_util.datetime_to_date(d)
    except Exception as e:
        return None

The return value of this function can directly be used in the payload. If the input date string is invalid and can not be parsed, this function returns None, which will be null in the payload and which is a valid easydb value.

Saving payload files

A simple function that opens a file and dumps the json represantation of the payload data in the file:

def save_payload(payload_path, payload_data):
    payload_file = open(payload_path, 'w')
    payload_file.write(json.dumps(payload_data, indent=2))

Reading from sqlite

To connect to the sqlite database, we have to create a connection to the sqlite database. This is done by referencing the filename of the database. The connection and the SQL statements are handled in helper functions in the migration_util.

The steps are:

  1. Open the connection to the sqlite file
  2. Create a connection cursor
  3. Execute a SQL statement by using the migration_util.execute_statement method
  4. Read the result row by row
  5. Close the connection cursor
  6. Close the connection
# connect to the sqlite database
connection = migration_util.connect_to_sqlite('migration_data.sqlite')

# get a connection cursor
cursor = connection.cursor()

# perform select statements to get data from the sqlite
# get all rows from "source.orte.csv"
result = migration_util.execute_statement(
        SELECT id, parent, name
        FROM "source.orte.csv"

# iterate over all rows from the result and generate payloads
# each row is a tuple with the values for the columns id, parent and name
for row in result:
  print row

# close the connection cursor

# close the connection to the sqlite database

This script will print the content of the table source.orte.csv. Each row is a tuple with the value in the order of the columns. Each column value can be accessed using the column index:

(u'1', u'', u'Europa')
(u'2', u'1', u'Deutschland')
(u'3', u'2', u'Berlin')
(u'4', u'2', u'Brandenburg')

Building and saving Payloads

Main method

if __name__ == "__main__":

    payload_path = 'generated_payloads'

    payloads = []

    # connect to the sqlite database
    connection = migration_util.connect_to_sqlite('migration_data.sqlite')

    # basetype tag

    # basetype pool

    # read the hierarchic place names from orte.csv
    payloads += orte_to_payloads(connection, payload_path)

    # read the main table and generate payloads for all collected linked objects
    payloads += linked_objects_payloads(connection, payload_path)

    # read the main table again and generate payloads for main objects
    payloads += main_objects_payloads(connection, payload_path)

    # create the manifest
    manifest = {
        'source': 'Example Migration',
        'batch_size': 100,
        'eas_type': 'url',
        'payloads': payloads

    # save the manifest file
    manifest_file = open(payload_path + '/manifest.json', 'w')
    manifest_file.write(json.dumps(manifest, indent=2))

    # close the connection to the sqlite database

The main method is responsible for opening and closing the database connection, collecting the filenames of the payloads, and writing and saving the manifest file.

Open the database connection with by passing the file path to the generated sqlite file to the function migration_util.connect_to_sqlite('migration_data.sqlite').

The payloads are built in functions that are called in the correct order. These functions return one or more filenames, that are collected in the payloads array.

The order of the different payload types is:

  1. Tags
  2. Pools
  3. Hierarchic linked objecttype orte
  4. Linked objecttypes personen and schlagwoerter
  5. Main objecttypes bilder and objekte

Payloads for basetype tag

A simple function that just builds the payload using hard coded values. Saves the payload and returns the filename.

def tags_payload(payload_path):

    payload = {
        'import_type': 'tags',
        'tags': [
                '_tags': [
                        'tag': {
                            'displayname': {
                                'en-US': 'Public Access'
                            'displaytype': 'facet',
                            'enabled': True,
                            'frontend_prefs': {
                                'webfrontend': {
                                    'color': 'green',
                                    'icon': 'fa-eye'
                            'is_default': False,
                            'reference': 'public',
                            'sticky': False,
                            'type': 'individual'
                'taggroup': {
                    'displayname': {
                        'en-US': 'Tag Group 1'
                    'reference': 'taggroup1',
                    'type': 'checkbox'

    # save the payload
    filename = 'basetype_tags.json'
    save_payload(payload_path + '/' + filename, payload)

    return filename

The most important thing here is to set the tag reference to public, since this is the reference that is later used to set the tag to objects.

Payloads for basetype pool

A simple function that just builds the payload using hard coded values. Saves the payload and returns the filename.

def pools_payload(payload_path):

    payload = {
        'import_type': 'pool',
        'pools': [
                '_basetype': 'pool',
                'pool': {
                    '_version': 1,
                    'lookup:_id_parent': {
                        'reference': 'system:root'
                    'name': {
                        'en-US': 'Migrated Objects'
                    'reference': 'migrated_objects'

    # save the payload
    filename = 'basetype_pools.json'
    save_payload(payload_path + '/' + filename, payload)

    return filename

The most important thing here is to set the pool reference to migrated_objects, since this is the reference that is later used to set the pool in the objects.

Payloads for hierarchic objecttype orte

This objecttype is hierarchic. The parent-child-relation is described in the database table by the id for each object in each row, and the parent which saves the id of the parent object.

In the example CSV files, we assume that the names of each place in orte.csv are identical to any place names that are referenced in bilder.csv. The file orte.csv is used to define the hierarchy of the place names, whereas the names in bilder.csv are used to link the generated linked objects orte to the main objects.

This hierarchy means that for each object, all objects from the table are selected, where the parent has the same value as the id of the object. After this, for each child object the function will be called recursively to select the children of the child.

The SQL statement

SELECT id, name
FROM "source.orte.csv"
WHERE parent = '%s'

is used by replacing the string format parameter %s with the function parameter parent_id. The first call of this function does not pass the parameter, so the default empty string is used to find the root object.

Other function parameters are:

The order of the filenames in the manifest is important for this objecttype: all parent objects must have been imported in previous payloads, so they can be referenced correctly. Since the recursive call of the children is a depth-first-search, the filenames of children must have a lower position than the filename of the object itself. That is why the current filename will be the first element in the filename list, followed by the filenames that are returned by the recursive function call.

Complete function:

def orte_to_payloads(connection, payload_path, parent_id='', parent_lookup='', level=0):

    payload_names = []
    new_payload_names = []

    # get a connection cursor
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    # perform select statements to get data from the sqlite
    # find all rows from "source.orte.csv" where the parent is the same as the given parent value
    result = migration_util.execute_statement(
            SELECT id, name
            FROM "source.orte.csv"
            WHERE parent = '%s'
        """ % parent_id)

    # list of the generated linked objects that are saved in the payload for the current level
    orte_objects = []

    # iterate over all rows from the result and generate payloads
    # each row is a tuple with the values for the columns id and name
    for row in result:

        # get the values from the rows by using the column index
        id = row[0]
        name = row[1]

        # generate and append the payload
        object = {
            '_objecttype': 'orte',
            '_mask': '_all_fields',
            'orte': {
                '_version': 1,
                'name': name

        # if there is a parent, include the lookup for the parent id
        if len(parent_lookup) > 0:
            object['orte']['lookup:_id_parent'] = {
                'name': parent_lookup


        # recursively call the function for the children of the current object
        new_payload_names = orte_to_payloads(connection, payload_path, parent_id=id, parent_lookup=name, level=level + 1)

    # close the connection cursor

    # if there are generated objects for the payload, generate and save this payload file
    if len(orte_objects) > 0:
        payload = {
            'import_type': 'db',
            'objecttype': 'orte',
            'objects': orte_objects

        # generate a filename that includes the objecttype and the current level
        filename = 'userobject-orte-level-%d.json' % level

        # dump the dict object with the payload data as a json object and save it in the file
        save_payload(payload_path + '/' + filename, payload)

        # the returned array must have the current payload name as the first element
        payload_names = [filename]

    # to keep the order, add the ordered payload names from all children
    for p in new_payload_names:

    return payload_names

Payloads for objecttypes personen and schlagwoerter

All linked objects, apart from orte, are not saved in extra CSV files, but are generated from values in the main table source.bilder.csv. Each non-empty value in the column fotograf is used to generate an object of type personen. The column schlagworte contains multiple keyword values for the object, each separated by ;.

The main table is used for linked object values, which must be uploaded before they can be referenced in the main objects. The same table will be read again later to create the main objects. Here, only the necessary columns are selected.

For all text values (and also all text parts after splitting), any trailing whitespaces are removed by calling the python string method strip(). Only text values that are not empty strings after this call, are considered as valid values for linked objects. These values are collected in set objects, to make sure they are unique.

def linked_objects_payloads(connection, payload_path):

    # array of ordered payload names that will be returned as the result
    payload_names = []

    # perform select statements to get data from the sqlite
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    result = migration_util.execute_statement(
            SELECT fotograf, schlagworte
            FROM "source.bilder.csv"

    personen = set()
    schlagwoerter = set()

    for row in result:
        # different columns contain the values for different linked objects that are later linked into the main objects

        # column 'fotograf' (index 0) -> objecttype personen
        text = row[0]
        if len(text) > 0:

        # column 'schlagworte' (index 1) -> objecttype schlagwoerter
        text = row[1]
        if len(text) > 0:
            # split multiple values
            values = text.split(';')
            for v in values:
                v = v.strip()
                if len(v) > 0:

    # generate payloads from the collected values

    if len(personen) > 0:

        payload = {
            'import_type': 'db',
            'objecttype': 'personen',
            'objects': []

        for p in personen:
                '_objecttype': 'personen',
                '_mask': '_all_fields',
                'personen': {
                    '_version': 1,
                    'name': p

        # dump the dict object with the payload data as a json object and save it in the file
        filename = 'userobject-personen.json'
        save_payload(payload_path + '/' + filename, payload)

        # add the filename to the payload list

    if len(schlagwoerter) > 0:

        payload = {
            'import_type': 'db',
            'objecttype': 'schlagwoerter',
            'objects': []

        for s in schlagwoerter:
                '_objecttype': 'schlagwoerter',
                '_mask': '_all_fields',
                'schlagwoerter': {
                    '_version': 1,
                    'name': s

        # dump the dict object with the payload data as a json object and save it in the file
        filename = 'userobject-schlagwoerter.json'
        save_payload(payload_path + '/' + filename, payload)

        # add the filename to the payload list

    return payload_names

Payloads for main objecttypes bilder and objekte

The main objects are also created from the main table source.bilder.csv, which was read before for creating the linked objects. Here, all necessary columns are selected, to fill the objects with data and link objects:

SELECT inventarnummer,      -- objekte.inventarnummer
    "date-from", "date-to", -- objekte.datierung.from,
    "title-de", "title-en", --, bilder.titel.en-US
    "date",                 -- bilder.aufnahmedatum.value
    image,                  -- bilder.datei.eas:url
    ort,                    -- link bilder.aufnahmeort
    fotograf,               -- link(s) bilder.personen
    schlagworte,            -- link(s) bilder.schlagwoerter
    public = 'true',        -- if true, set the tag `public`
    __source_unique_id      -- for bilder.reference
FROM "source.bilder.csv"
WHERE inventarnummer != ''

Each row of the result is used to create two objects: the objekte object and in the reverse nested field the linked bilder object.

def main_objects_payloads(connection, payload_path):

    # array of ordered payload names that will be returned as the result
    payload_names = []

    # objects for the list in the payload
    objects = []

    # perform select statements to get data from the sqlite
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    result = migration_util.execute_statement(
            SELECT inventarnummer,
                "date-from", "date-to",
                "title-de", "title-en",
                ort, fotograf, schlagworte,
                public = 'true',
            FROM "source.bilder.csv"
            WHERE inventarnummer != ''

    for row in result:

        # use the __source_unique_id (index 10) to build a unique reference for the object
        reference = 'bild_' + row[11].strip()

        obj_bilder = {
            '_pool': {
                'pool': {
                    'lookup:_id': {
                        'reference': 'migrated_objects'
            '_version': 1,
            'reference': reference

        # fill `bilder` object with data

        # bilder.titel (index 3, 4)
        title_de = row[3].strip()
        title_en = row[4].strip()

        obj_bilder['titel'] = {
            'de-DE': title_de if len(title_de) else None,
            'en-US': title_en if len(title_en) else None

        # bilder.aufnahmedatum (index 5)
        obj_bilder['aufnahmedatum'] = {
            'value': format_date(row[5].strip())

        # bilder.datei (index 6)
        url = row[6].strip()
        if len(url) > 0:
            obj_bilder['datei'] = [
                    'eas:url': url,
                    'preferred': True

        # bilder.aufnahmeort (index 7)
        ort = row[7].strip()
        if len(ort) > 0:
            obj_bilder['aufnahmeort'] = {
                '_mask': '_all_fields',
                '_objecttype': 'orte',
                'orte': {
                    'lookup:_id': {
                        'name': ort

        # bilder.personen (index 8)
        person = row[8].strip()
        if len(person) > 0:
            obj_bilder['_nested:bilder__personen'] = [
                    'bemerkung': 'Fotograf',
                    'person': {
                        '_mask': '_all_fields',
                        '_objecttype': 'personen',
                        'personen': {
                            'lookup:_id': {
                                'name': person

        # bilder.schlagwoerter (index 9)
        obj_bilder['_nested:bilder__schlagwoerter'] = []

        schlagwoerter = row[9].strip()
        if len(schlagwoerter) > 0:
            values = schlagwoerter.split(';')
            for v in values:
                v = v.strip()

                if len(v) > 0:
                    # insert a new linked object with a lookup for this value
                            'schlagwort': {
                                '_mask': '_all_fields',
                                '_objecttype': 'schlagwoerter',
                                'schlagwoerter': {
                                    'lookup:_id': {
                                        'name': v

        # structure for `objekte` object
        obj_objekte = {
            '_mask': '_all_fields',
            '_objecttype': 'objekte',
            '_tags': [],
            'objekte': {
                '_pool': {
                    'pool': {
                        'lookup:_id': {
                            'reference': 'migrated_objects'
                '_version': 1,

                # directly include the `bilder` object that was just created
                '_reverse_nested:bilder:objekte': [

        # fill `objekte` object with data

        # check if the row is marked as `public`, if so add the tag
        # column: index 10, the return value here is a bool (see SELECT statement)
        if row[10]:
                    'lookup:_id': {
                        'reference': 'public'

        # objekte.inventarnummer (index 0)
        obj_objekte['objekte']['inventarnummer'] = row[0].strip()

        # objekte.datierung (index 1, 2)
        # date range field, build object with two date values
        obj_objekte['objekte']['datierung'] = {
            'from': format_date(row[1].strip()),
            'to': format_date(row[2].strip())

        # append the generated object to the list of objects in the payload

    # build the payload with the objects
    if len(objects) > 0:
        payload = {
            'import_type': 'db',
            'objecttype': 'objekte',
            'objects': objects

        # save the payload in a file and add the filename to the return value array
        filename = 'userobject-objekte-1.json'
        save_payload(payload_path + '/' + filename, payload)


    return payload_names