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Main search

You can access the main search via the menu item Research. This is also by default the view after the user login.

Automatic completion

When you start typing your search into the search field, suggestions are generated based on the entered word or words. Easydb searches for suitable words and also for suitable linked records.

Automatic Completion

You can select a found token or a linked record (cursor up/down + return or mouse). The selected entry then creates a search term in the search field. Multiple search terms can be added and combined with commands (search operators).

In order to create a combination of search terms, Boolean logic allows the following entries to be entered via key combinations:

Taste Such-Operator Erläuterung
- NOT The following search term is linked to “NOT”
+ AND The following search term is linked to “AND”
, OR The following search term is linked to “OR”
( ( Bracket for logical connections.
) ) Bracket for logical connections.

Use the keyboard to scroll through the search terms with the cursor on the left and the cursor on the right. Use Backspace or Delete to delete a search term. You can not change search terms, you can only delete them and re-enter them again.

Object Types/Pools

The search runs by default across all pools and object types that contain records that you can read at least. Click on Object Types/Pools to customize this search filter.

Object types/Pools

Use the checkboxes to select or deselect individual object types or pools. Press and hold Alt to switch all checkboxes on one level at a time.

Click on the to get information about the object type or pool. A contact person and a description are displayed here.

Expert Search

To define more complex filters for the search, click to the right of the search box. By entering terms into the search fields, you can define the search for one or more fields. The entries are taken as search terms in the search field.

Advanced Search

The expert search displays only the fields for the object types selected under “Object types/Pools”. If several are selected, a search mask “All object types” with fields that occur in at least two of the selected object types is also displayed. You can switch to the individual search fields of the individual object types via a pulldown. The entries in the search fields are then limited to the selected object type. If you want to search several object types, you must make multiple entries in the expert search for the corresponding object type. Your entries for different object types are collected when they are transferred to the search field.

The checkbox in the right column searches records without entry, that is, For example, if you select this checkbox for a field with Name Description, and then click on Include in the search, filter all records where the description field is empty.

In All object types shows the secondary search in the upper part under linked object types common linked object types and possibly the type file which can be searched together.

In Common fields the fields are displayed, which occur conceptually in all object types. Note that here the translated name is used for comparison, not the database field name.

Within individual object types, it will be displayed in Common fields if the field appears in more than one form.

In Change history you can search by user, operation, time period and comment. When searching for a Comment, the system checks whether the comment is contained in one of the records. If the search is limited to a certain user or a limited period of time, this information does not refer to the context in which the comment was created. The comments in the hits can therefore by created by other users and during other periods.

For simple date fields, two fields are automatically displayed to search for a time period. If you want to search for an exact date, this must be entered in both the “From” and “To” fields. Otherwise, all hits will be displayed where the date is before or after the entered date. For fields of the type “Date Range” you can switch to four input fields via “Advanced Options” to enter a range for both the “From” and the “To” date.

NOTE: The sorting in the expert search is alphabetic and refers to all available masks. If several main object types are defined for the search, a selection menu for the object types is displayed in the expert search. Here you can choose whether the field lists are displayed by default (corresponding to the order in the mask) or alphabetically in the expert search.


The search result can be sorted by up to 3 criteria.

Depending on the selected object types/pool selection, various fields are available here. Fields are grouped according to their localized name.


In some fields, the sorting attribute can be selected in addition to the sorting direction, e.g. For files where file size, file class and format can be sorted.

For some data types, a grouping is also active during a sorting, which displays interim headings in the search result.

String sorting: alphabetical / alphanumeric

String fields can be sorted in an alphabetical and an alphanumeric way. In alphabetical sorting, all numbers are treated like single characters. In alphanumeric sorting, numbers characters are interpreted as actual numbers. This can change the sorting order:


Multilanguage sorting

For multilanguage fields the sorting works as follows: for a list of the languages “en-US”, “de-DE” it is checked if there is a value for “en-US”, in which case this field is used for sorting. If the english value is emtpy, it is checked if there is a value for “de-DE” and sorted by this value. If none of the values for these languages are set, a fixed value is returned which will sort this search result to the end of the list.

Attributes for selected field types

Data type attribute Note
File File size Sort by file size in bytes.
Type, Format Sort first by file class and by format.
Format Sort by format only.
Changelog Created Sort by the time when a record was created.
Modified Sort by the time when a record was last modified.
Date Range Date from Sort by from Date.
Date to Sort by to date.
String Alphabetically Sort string in alphabetical order.
Alphanumeric Sort string in alphanumeric order.


The display in the search result can be switched between standard (gallery), text view and table with the selection buttons above the hits Pulldown. Click to refine the display options for the respective ad selection.

Display Options

Display option Standard

Setting selection Note
Size Small Smallest Thumbnails
Medium Medium Thumbnails
Large Largest Thumbnails
Format Fill Filling preview according to the page size of the thumbnail
Thumbnail Preview with full thumbnail, taking into account the aspect ratio
No border Full preview without consideration of the page size of the thumbnail (section)
Style Overlay Display additional information thumbnail thumbnail
Belows Displayed additional information below the thumbnail
Lateral Display of additional information next to thumbnail
Standard Info Checkbox Display of Record information
Object Type Checkbox Show object type as information
Pools Checkbox Display of the pool as information
Tags Checkbox Display for tagging tags as information
Hits per page dropdown select the amount of hits to be displayed per page

Display option Text

Setting selection Note
Hits per page dropdown select the amount of hits displayed per page

Display option Table

Setting selection Note
Show The order can be changed with drag & drop.
Standard Info Display of Record information
Objecttype Show object type as information
Pools Display of the pool as information
Tags Display for tagging tags as information
System Object ID Displays the System Object ID
Hits per page dropdown select the amount of hits to be displayed per page

NOTE: The display options are stored by the user and will be available as a pre-selection the next time.

For each page there is a separate button, which you can click directly to get to the page. The label of the buttons corresponds to the numbers of the hits in the search result.

To scroll back or forward, use the und If you hold the mouse on these arrows, the display of the pages scrolls.

Navigation in search result

Filter (faceted search)

Click on Filter to enable or disable the search filter. The search filter groups found records by linked object types, file properties, object types, and pools.

Search filter with filter search

The filters are displayed with the number of corresponding records for each block.

The selected checkboxes show active filters. If more than 10 filters are found per block, there is the possibility to click on More and search separately for filtered terms in the respective block.

The search field is very simple. Here, only after a term can be automatically filtered left- and right-lined.

The filter for periods refers to all time and date fields. This refers to the date of recording or production. The following filter options are available:

The tag groups and tags configured for the filter also appear in the System Fields area.

Tag-Gruppen und Tags im Filter

NOTE: To reset the selection in the filter, click on the filter button to deactivate it. When the filter is reactivated, the previous selection is undone.


There are different methods to mark results and select records in easydb.

Click-and-Drag: Use the mouse to select records with the click-and-drag tool. Hold down the left mouse button and drag over records to be selected. To select more results, press the ALT key and select further records to add to the current selection. If you press the ALT key and select currently marked records, they will be removed from the selection. If you use the click-and-drag tool again without pressing the ALT key, the previous selection is deleted and a new selection is made.

SHIFT key: Select a record and press the SHIFT key while clicking on another record to select all records inbetween. Press the SHIFT key to expand the row. To add or remove individual records, press the ALT key while clicking selecting records.

Options menu: The option Select All is available via the menu above the hits display. This selects all hits of the current search on all pages.

Deselect: To deselect individual records of the current selection, use ALT or CTRL when clicking on the selected record. The entire selection can be deselected using the X button below the hits. Alternatively, you can also click in the free space between the records to deselect them.

Context menu

You can use a context menu for the records in the search result.

Context menu

Selection Description
Select all Marks all records of the saved search and activates the download and edit buttons in the toolbar
Reset Search Mark all records of the saved search and activate the download and edit buttons in the toolbar
Export… Export the record or the entire search result
Edit in Sidebar… Invoke the Sidebar Editor in the Sidebar on the right.
Edit in Full Screen… Invokes the Full-Screen Editor.
Apply as template Invokes the Full-Screen editor with a copy of the current record as a template for new records
Show in Sidebar Shows the detail view of the record in the sidebar.
Show full screen Displays full screen view of the record.
Deselect Deselect the current selection.
Export Selection … Export of selected records.
Edit Object Type Calls the Group Editor with the records. Note that processing can only be performed per object type, so the selection is split into the individual object types of the selection
Select all Selects all records of the search result (maximum 1000)
Filter Selection Adds a filter with the current selection to the search slot. This allows you to search in the selection

The search has several options for searching text. A distinction is made between Exact and Full Text and between Normal, Wildcard and Phrase searches.

The suggestions in the search autocompletion are made as if you were searching in full text with an * appended.

Due to a limitation in Elasticsearch, words and phrases are truncated after 256 characters.