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Tags & Workflows

Tags are switches that can be managed on records that belong to object types that have tag management enabled. You can turn these tags on or off when you edit them.

Not all tags are always visible and changeable. This is controlled by workflows that monitor tag changes, forbid, allow, and execute actions when a tag change has been made.

Tags can also be used to highlight records for the user with small icons.

Tags are also used to perform computer management. This is, however, a very powerful tool. Since the easydb rights management system works additively, a one-time (by one tag) right can not be withdrawn.

Tags are defined globally. This is useful for keeping an overview and not creating a tag chaos within individual pools. However, tags can be switched on and off per pool or object type. Pools and object types can define their own workflows using system-wide tags.

Tags can be structured into groups for a better overview. A tag group can also be defined as Selection if, then only one tag can be active from this group at the time.


Tags & Workflows

Setting Description
Name Ad name of the tag or tag group. Multilingual. Look for brief explanatory terms, e.g. Status, Locked, Internet enabled, Check, Frequently, Ok
Type Checkbox Tag group consisting of individual tags that can be switched on and off individually. Only for tag groups
Select Tag group consisting of a tag selection. Here, only one or none tags can be selected, but not several
Individual Normal tag for switching on and off. Only for tags
All versions A tag that applies to all versions of a record. This tag is ignored in old versions of a record. This is used to index records in editorally released versions. The setting is made for each object type
Display Editor Tag is only displayed in the editor.
Detail + Editor Tag is also displayed in detail (if set).
Search + Detail + Editor Tag is also searchable.
Filter + Search + Detail + Editor Tag will also appear in the filter.
Do not display Tag is not displayed. This can be useful if you want to define workflows that work with hidden tags
Description Optional text displayed to the user in a tooltip. Multilingual.
Default If set, the tag for new records is switched on by default.
Persitent If set, the tag can not be de-activated for object types and pools
Icon An optional icon. In connection with the display in the search result and detail this icon is used to mark the record
Rights Here you define which rights users and groups have to records with which this tag is connected. You can find an overview of the rights here


Tags & Workflow

The workflows are executed when records are created, saved, or deleted. Easydb collects appropriate workflows before saving, creating or deleting them, and executes them one at a time.

If workflows are created, at least one worflow must match the action, otherwise the action will not be executed. If no workflows are created, each action is allowed (in the context of the management of the right).

An operation then fits into a workflow if the following checks have been passed:

When all workflows have been confirmed, the operation is performed, and then actions that are connected to the workflows are performed. Currently, easydb supports the following actions:

Setting Description
Operation Insert The operation is a new creation of a data record.
Update The operation is an update of a record
Delete The operation is to delete a record.
Type The type of a workflow determines whether the configured workflow is allowed and the user can save the record, or whether it is rejected and saving is prevented.
Normal The action of the configured workflow is performed and the subsequent workflows are checked. If there is no “Reject” or “Exit Reject” the record is saved.
Resolve The configured action is executed and the data set is saved. All subsequent workflows are ignored.
Reject The configured action is performed and saving of the data set is rejected. All subsequent workflows are ignored.
Exit Resolve The action of the configured workflow is performed and the subsequent workflows are checked. If no “Reject” or “Exit Reject” is received, the data set is saved.
Exit Reject The action of the configured workflow is executed and the subsequent workflows are checked. If there is no “Exit Resolve”, the saving of the data set is rejected.
Users/Groups Define for which users and/or groups the workflow applies.
Tag filter Before saving Sets a tag filter before saving. Records must match the tag filter before the action so that the workflow finds application. This tag filter is ignored for new records
After saving Sets a tag filter after saving. Records must fit in the version to be saved to the tag filter so that the workflow finds application. This tag filter is ignored during deletion
Confirmation Enter a text that the user must see and confirm when the workflow is executed. For example, a text may be available before an Internet publication. This text is multilingual
Actions Actions are executed in the specified order after all workflows have been confirmed and the actual operation has been performed.
Actions can also be provided by Plugins.
Persistent If set, the tag in subordinate levels (object types, pools) can no longer be overwritten.

For an explanation of how tag filters work, see here.