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Retrieve objects

GET /api/v1/db/<objecttype>/<mask>/<id>?token=<token>[&version=<version>][&format=<format>][&skip_reverse_nested=<skip_reverse_nested>]

Object by object ID (<objecttype>._id field). One object in the resulting array.

GET /api/v1/db/<objecttype>/<mask>/global_object_id/<id>?token=<token>[&version=<version>][&format=<format>][&skip_reverse_nested=<skip_reverse_nested>]

Object by global object ID (_global_object_id field): “local” is a valid alias for the server’s instance. One object in the resulting array.

GET /api/v1/db/<objecttype>/<mask>/system_object_id/<id>?token=<token>[&version=<version>][&format=<format>][&skip_reverse_nested=<skip_reverse_nested>]

Object by system object ID (_system_object_id field). One object in the resulting array.

GET /api/v1/db/<objecttype>/<mask>/list?token=<token>[&limit=<limit>][&offset=<offset>][&version=<version>][&format=<format>][&skip_reverse_nested=<skip_reverse_nested>]

List of objects, sorted ascending by object IDs (length of array controlled by parameters limit and offset). Multiple objects in the resulting array.

Path parameters

objecttype Object type (string)
mask Mask (string): can be a specific mask name or _all_fields (see /api/v1/mask).
id Object ID (integer): get the object with the given id.
limit Maximal length of the list of objects (integer): if path specifies list instead of a single id, return not more than limit objects.
Default: 100, Maximum: 1000
offset Offset in the list of objects (integer): if path specifies list instead of a single id, return objects from this position in the database
version Object version (integer or current, optional): if set, get an archived version of the object(s). Requires an ID.
Defaults to the current object version.
schema Schema version (current, optional): if set to current the object version is rendered in the latest schema version. Defaults to the schema version that was used when the object version was created.
Any other value than current will cause an error.
format Object format (string): short, standard, long or full (default)
skip_reverse_nested Do not export any reverse nested tables (optional): 1, y, yes or true for true (default false)

If the given mask does not exist in the schema for the given object version, an Old Mask Missing error is returned.

If no schema for the given object version is found, an Old Schema Missing error is returned.

Query String

token Session token acquired with /api/v1/session


Array of objects in the requested format.


The user needs the “read” right for the requested object and the “mask” right for the given mask (see rights management).

In order to use the “_all_fields” mask, the user needs any of the following system rights: “system.root”, “system.datamodel.development”, “system.datamodel.commit”.

HTTP status codes

200 Success
400 API error: something is malformed
400 Not Authenticated: session is not authenticated
400 Insufficient Rights: no “read” or “mask” right (the error parameters explain which)
400 No System Right: no system right for “_all_fields”
400 Objecttype Not Found: objecttype not found
400 Mask Not Found: mask not found
400 Object Not Found: object id not found
400 Instance Not Found: instance not found (for requests with global object ID)
500 Server error: internal server error

Retrieve all versions of objects

GET /api/v1/db/<objecttype>/_all_fields/list?token=<token>&all_versions=true[&limit=<limit>][&offset=<offset>]

Returns all versions of all objects of this type, not filtered by any mask.

Path parameters

objecttype Object type (string)

Query String

token Session token acquired with /api/v1/session
all_versions always true or 1 for this type of request, otherwise the usual retrieval of objects is done as shown above
limit limit of objects (not versions) returned, defaults to 1000
offset offset of first object to retrieve, defaults to 0


Array of objects as above, ordered by object ID and version number. These differences to the single-version output exist:


The system right system.root is required to use this request.

HTTP status codes

See single-version object retrieval for possible HTTP status codes.

Create or update objects

POST/PUT /api/v1/db/<objecttype>?token=<token>[&confirm=<confirm>][&collection=<collection_id>][&priority=<priority>][&format=<format>][&base_fields_only=1][&progress_uuid=<progress_uuid>]

Creates or updates objects for the given objecttype.

Objects are stored in the order of appearance. Each object must specify a _mask to be used for reading the object structure (see Object type). The _all_fields mask is accepted under certain conditions (see “Permissions”).

With every mask change, a batch is send to the Importer.

New objects must have either the creator or any of the groups they belong to as owner (except for the special case create in collection).

Group edit: It is possible to edit a group of objects in such a way that all of them are updated with the same data. In this mode, only one object is given in the input array, but the _id field is an array containing the IDs of the objects to be updated. The _version is automatically updated by the server.

Create in collection: If the parameter collection is provided, only insertions are allowed. The collection parameters define which objecttype, mask and pool are allowed for the objects (see collection). The objects will be created and inserted in the collection. The owner of the object will be the collection owner.

Base fields only: This is a special case in which no mask is provided. Only updates for pool and tags are allowed.

Notice: POST for masks with mask filters is not allowed.

Path parameters

objecttype Object type (string)

Query String

token Session token acquired with /api/v1/session
confirm Confirmation code (see below “Transitions”)
collection ID of the collection where the objects should be inserted
collection_rights_policy What to do if the operation causes the owner of a collection to lose grantable rights over collection objects (see rightsmanagement)
priority Priority for the indexer (integer): possible values are:
-1 very low priority, doesn’t generate an OBJECT_INDEX event
0 (default): low priority, typically used by non-interactive clients, such as the migration tool
1: normal priority, used to signal user interaction
2: high priority, used when a specially fast response is expected
format Object format for the result objects (string): short (default), standard, long or full
base_fields_only If set to “1”, use “base fields only” mode
progress_uuid If this variable is set, API_PROGRESS events will be generated during the operation, the progress_uuid can then be used to match the events to the operation


Array of objects. The following restrictions apply:

_id and _id_parent can be set using a lookup feature, which selects the object using a reference column. More information about this feature can be found in the Lookups for IDs documentation.

Creation or regular update

The object is updated as a whole. That means that if the user only wants to change the value of a certain field, all other fields must be sent with their current values. Exceptions to this rule are:

When creating an object, the owner must be the user that creates it. If _owner is left out, Easydb will fill this value. When using the collection parameter, the owner is automatically set to the owner of the collection.

Group edit

In group edit mode, only the given fields will be updated. Special instructions can be specified for lists:

Nested objects

If a nested field <field> is updated, the API expects a silbling string attribute <field>:group_mode, which can have the following values:

Nested group edit mode Meaning
append Add the new list to the end of the old one
prepend Add the new list to the beginning of the old one
replace Replace the old list with the new one
remove Remove the elements of the given list from the old list


If the _tags are updated, the API expects a silbling string attribute _tags:group_mode, which can have the following values:

Nested group edit mode Meaning
tag_add Add the new tags, if they do not already exist. If a tag from a “choice” tag group is added, it will replace the old tag for that group, if it was set
tag_replace Replace the old tags with the new ones
tag_remove Remove the tags provided
tag_remove_all Remove all tags

The mode tag_remove_all can be specified without _tags (if specified, they will be ignored).


If the _acl is updated, the API expects a silbling string attribute _acl:group_mode, which can have the following values:

Nested group edit mode Meaning
acl_add Add the new ACL entries, if they do not already exist
If the who attribute is empty, its rights will be appended to all existing ACL entries
If a right_preset is provided, who must be set
acl_replace Replace the old ACL with the new ones
If the who attribute is empty, replace the rights in all existing ACL entries
If a right_preset is provided, who must be set
acl_remove Remove the provided ACL
If the who attribute is empty, remove rights from all existing ACL entries. This is not valid in combination with a right preset
If the rights attribute is empty, remove all rights for the provided who. This is not valid in combination with a right preset
tag_remove_all Remove complete ACL

The mode acl_remove_all can be specified without _acl (if specified, it will be ignored).


If the request is a group edit or “base fields only”, the response body will be empty. Otherwise, it is an array of objects in the requested format.


The user needs the following rights at the beginning of the operation (see rights management):

Transitions are checked (see transitions). If any transition needs confirmation, the call will return a confirmation response (see below “HTTP status codes”). The code provided in the confirmation response should be passed as parameter (confirm) when repeating the call.

If the transitions change the tags of the object, the rights are checked again. The user is not allowed to lose them at this point.

The user needs the following rights at the end of the operation:

In order to use the “_all_fields” mask, the user needs any of the following system rights: “system.root”, “system.datamodel.development”, “system.datamodel.commit”.

If the parameter collection is set, the owner of the collection must have the rights granted by the collection to the created objects before they are inserted. Furthermore, they must be grantable. Otherwise, an error is returned.

The root pool is never allowed.


       "objekte": {
            "haupttitel": "Neuer Datensatz",
            "_version": 1,
            "_id_parent": null,
            "_pool": {
                "pool": {
                    "_id": 178
            "empfohlen": false
        "_mask": "einzelmedien",
		"_tags": [
                "_id": 26
                "_id": 13

HTTP status codes

200 Success
202 Confirmation Response (transitions): the operation requires confirmation for one of several transitions
202 Confirmation Response (collection owner rights revoked): the operation requires confirmation with a collection_rights_policy
400 API error: something is malformed
400 No Mask Defined For Collection: no mask defined for the collection provided (collection)
400 No Pool Defined For Collection: no pool defined for the collection provided (collection)
400 Bad Objecttype For Collection: wrong objecttype when creating in a collection (the parameter “expected_objecttype_id” tells which is the expected one)
400 Bad Mask For Collection: wrong mask when creating in a collection (the parameter “expected_mask_id” tells which is the expected one)
400 Bad Pool For Collection: wrong pool when creating in a collection (the parameter “expected_pool_id” tells which is the expected one)
400 Not Authenticated: session is not authenticated
400 Insufficient Rights: no “create”, “create_in_collection”, “write” or “mask” right (the error parameters explain which)
400 Insufficient Rights After Transition: no “read”, “write” or “mask” right (the error parameters explain which)
400 Rights Revoked: no “read”, “write” or “mask” right (the error parameters explain which)
400 Transition Reject: the operation was rejected by a transition
400 Bad Confirm Code: the given confirm code is incorrect
400 Change Owner On Creation: the user attempted to set a different user as owner when creating an object
400 Invalid Owner On Creation: the user attempted to set an invalid owner when creating an object
400 No Grantable Right: the owner of the collection has no grantable right for the objects
400 Objecttype Not Found: objecttype not found
400 Mask Not Found: mask not found
400 Object Not Found: object id not found
400 Version Mismatch: the given _version is not correct
400 Object Owner Null: no owner was provided when updating an object
400 Integrity Constraint Violation: the operation violates an integrity constraint (the error specifies which)
400 Check Constraint Violation: the operation violates an integrity constraint (the error specifies which)
400 Foreign Key Constraint Violation: the operation violates a foreign key (the error specifies which)
400 Bad Mask For Update: a mask with mask filter was provided
400 Link Root Pool: the root pool was provided
500 Server error: internal server error

Delete objects

DELETE /api/v1/db/<objecttype>?token=<token>[&confirm=<confirm>][&priority=<priority>]

Deletes one or more objects from the database.

Hierarchical objects: Deleting a hierarchical object automatically results in the deletion of all dependent objects.

Linked objects: Attempting to delete an object which is referenced from another object results in an error (HTTP code 409).

Path parameters

objecttype Object type (string)

Query String

token Session token acquired with /api/v1/session
confirm Confirmation code (see below “Transitions”)
priority Priority for the indexer (integer): see “POST” above


An array of tuples (ID, version[, comment]). comment is optional and may be omitted.

[ [ 123, 4, “useless…” ], [ 124, 5, “replaced by ‘Test 3’” ], [ 126, 3 ] ]


The user needs the “delete” right for the requested objects (see rights management).

Transitions are also checked (see transitions). If transitions need confirmation, the confirm parameter should be provided.

HTTP status codes

200 Success
202 Confirmation Response (transitions): the operation requires confirmation for one of several transitions
400 API error: something is malformed
400 Not Authenticated: session is not authenticated
400 Insufficient Rights: no “delete” right
400 Insufficient Rights After Transition: no “delete” right
400 Transition Check Failed: the transitions check failed
400 Bad Confirm Code: the given confirm code is incorrect
400 Objecttype Not Found: objecttype not found
400 Object Not Found: object id not found
400 Version Mismatch: the given _version is not correct
400 Foreign Key Constraint Violation: the operation violates a foreign key (the error specifies which)
500 Server error: internal server error