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Start a session

GET /api/v1/session[?language=<language>]

This call starts a new session. The new session will be unauthorized and will contain the required parameters needed to authorize it:

Query String

language Session language (string, optional)


An unauthorized session.


This call does not require any permission.

HTTP status codes

200 Success
400 API error: something is malformed
400 Language Not Found: the user provided a language that does not exist
500 Server error: internal server error

Retrieve current session

GET /api/v1/session?token=<token>[&language=<language>]

It returns the session object associated with this token. This call also lets the frontend update the session language.

Query String

token Session token (string)
language Session language (string, optional)


The current session.


This call does not require any permission.

HTTP status codes

200 Success
400 API error: something is malformed
400 Session Not Found: session not found for the given token
500 Server error: internal server error

Authenticate a session

POST /api/v1/session/authenticate?token=<token>[&method=<method>][&login=<login>&password=<password>][&success=<success>][&error=<error>][&response_type=<response_type>][&remember_me={1|0}][&log_event={1|0}]

Authenticate a session using the provided user credentials.

The authentication methods are tested in the given order until one of them succeeds, in which case the session will be authenticated and will provide which method was used; or until all fail, in which case, the request will redirect to the error URL.

The supported authentication methods are:

The method task is only supported if it is given as sole method (not in combination with others). This method does not support success, error, response_type or remember_me. It always returns a session with pending tasks.

When the system detects a series of failed login attempts, it will block the user for a certain time. The amount of attempts and the duration of the block can be configured in the base configuration.

Query String

token Session token (string)
method Authentication method(s) (string): comma-separated list of authentication methods
login Login (string): mandatory except for anonymous and easydb_cookie
password Password (string): mandatory except for anonymous and easydb_cookie
response_type Response type (see “Output”): redirect (default) or javascript
success URL to redirect / function to be called in case of success (string, optional)
error URL to redirect / function to be called in case of authentication error (string, optional)
remember_me If set to "1", remember user using a cookie (only for method “easydb”, optional, defaults to "0")
log_event If set to "0", for the authentication no USER_LOGIN event is logged, optional, defaults to "1")

All query parameter can also be sent in an HTML form in the request body (content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded)

Authenticating any user account with a root account

To login into any user account without knowledge of the users password, provide the password in the form <root login>/<root password>.

Example: to login as the user user01 without knowing the actual user password, provide ?login=user01&password=root/admin as URL parameters, where root and admin are the login credentials of an account with root rights.


The output depends on the response_type.

Response type “redirect”

If the response is successful and success was given, a HTTP 302 response (redirect) is returned with the “Location” header pointing to the given URL. If no success was given, the session is returned.

If the response is not successful and error was given, a HTTP 302 response (redirect) is returned with the “Location” header pointing to the given URL, extended with a fragment identifier: <error>#m:<reason>#l:<login>. If no error was given, an appropriate error response is returned.

Response type “javascript”

For this response type, success and error must be given. They contain the name of a function that should be called on success or error, respectively. A HTML page is returned with a simple script that calls the corresponding function with the session or error response as argument. The HTTP status code will be 200 or 403 depending on the success of the authentication.

Method “task”

This method returns a session with pending tasks to guide the client through a process (“forgot_password” or “confirm_email”).


The authentication method “anonymous” is allowed

The other authentication methods are always allowed. However, the authentication itself may fail:

HTTP status codes

If an error is redirected (302), the for the fragment identifier will be the one indicated in the column “reason”. Notice that only known user errors are redirected.

200 Success (the body may be JSON or HTML, depending on the response_type)
302 See “Output”
400 API error: something is malformed
400 Session Not Found: session not found for the given token session_missing
400 Username or Password Empty: username or password empty username_or_password_empty
400 Login Failed: login failed login_failed
400 Login Disabled: login disabled login_disabled
400 Login Disabled From: login disabled from a timestamp on login_disabled
400 Login Disabled To: login disabled until a timestamp login_disabled
400 Login Blocked: login blocked login_blocked
400 Authentication Method Not Allowed: authentication method not allowed
400 Collection Sharing Inactive: Collection sharing has been deactivated (for “email” or “collection”)
400 Collection Sharing Too Soon: Collection sharing is not valid yet (for “email” or “collection”)
400 Collection Sharing Too Late: Collection sharing is no longer valid (for “email” or “collection”)
400 Authentication Token Expired: The authentication token used as password has expired (1)
400 Authentication Token Used: The authentication token used as password has already been used (1)
403 Login failed and response_type javascript; the body will be HTML
403 Login disabled and response_type javascript; the body will be HTML
500 Server error: internal server error

1: the authentication token is only used in the password reset process and should not be confused with the session token.

Authenticate a session using single-sign-on

GET /api/v1/session/sso/authenticate

This authentication method is only allowed if some plugin has registered an “sso_get_user” callback.

The user is authenticated using the underlying authentication method (this is configured as part of the Apache configuration).

The plugin is responsible for generating a partial user record. The server will create the user if it does not exist (based on the user login).

If this user record contains an array of strings under “_groups”, the server will try to map them to actual groups and link the user to them. The mapping is based on the configuration of the group: field _auth_method_group_maps. The methods are processed in order:

Query String

token Session token (string)
success Function to be called in case of success (string, optional)
error Function to be called in case of authentication error (string, optional)


An authenticated session. If success is set, a HTML page is returned with a simple script that calls the corresponding function with the session as argument.

HTTP status codes

If error is set, a HTML page is returned with a simple script that calls the corresponding function with the error as argument.

200 Success
500 Server error: internal server error

Deauthenticate a session

POST /api/v1/session/deauthenticate?token=<token>[&error=<error>]

Deauthenticate a session. If the session was not authenticated, this call does nothing.

Query String

token Session token (string)
error URL to redirect in case of authentication error (string, optional)


An unauthenticated session.


This call does not require any permission.

HTTP status codes

If an error occurs and error is set, the response will be a redirection. See previous call for details.

200 Success
302 See “Output”
400 API error: something is malformed
400 Session Not Found: session not found for the given token session_missing
500 Server error: internal server error

Confirm messages for a session

POST /api/v1/session/messages_confirm?token=<token>

Query String

token Session token (string)


A JSON array of confirmation keys (string). The keys are included in the session’s pending_tasks.


The current session.


The session must be authenticated.

HTTP status codes

200 Success
400 API error: something is malformed
400 Not Authenticated: session is not authenticated
500 Server error: internal server error

Change password

POST /api/v1/session/change_password?token=<token>

Query String

token Session token (string)


A JSON object containing the keys:


The user needs the system.user.change_password or be required to change its password via set_change_password (see user).

HTTP status codes

200 Success
400 API error: something is malformed
400 Invalid Password: the provided password is wrong
400 Bad Password: the new_password violates the password policy
400 Same Password: the new_password is the same as the old password
400 No System Right: user lacks system.user.change_password
500 Server error: internal server error

Set password

POST /api/v1/session/set_password?token=<token>[&email=<email>&code=<code>]

This call can be used to set the user’s password. It can be called directly using an authenticated session or as part of the “forgot password” process with an email and code as authentication method.

Query String

token Session token (string)
email E-mail address (string, optional)
code Authentication code (string, optional)


A JSON object containing the keys:


The current session.


If the session is authenticated, the user needs the system.user.change_password or be required to change its password via set_change_password (see user).

If the session is not authenticated, email and code are mandatory. These are the parameters sent to the user’s e-mail address as part of the “forgot password” process. If the call uses the parameters AND is authenticated, it will only work if the authenticated user is the same as the user identified by the email address.

HTTP status codes

200 Success
400 API error: something is malformed
400 Invalid Password: the provided password is wrong
400 Bad Password: the new_password violates the password policy
400 Same Password: the new_password is the same as the old password
400 Login Failed: authentication via email and code failed
400 Authentication Token Expired: the code has expired
400 Authentication Token Used: the code has already been used
400 No System Right: user lacks system.user.change_password
500 Server error: internal server error

Forgot password

POST /api/v1/session/forgot_password

Query String

token Session token (string, optional)


A JSON object with the key:

On success, an e-mail is sent out to the user identified by forgot containing a link to set a new password. If a primary e-mail is found, the link to reset the password is sent to this e-mail address.

If the confirmation of this e-mail address was requested, but the user has not yet confirmed it, the confirmation request will be resent to the user.


This call does not require any permission.

HTTP status codes

200 Success
400 API error: something is malformed
400 User error error.user.forgotten_password_process_disabled: the forgot password process has been disabled
400 User error error.user.forgot_password.unknown: the user specified in forgot could not be identified
500 Server error: internal server error

Base configuration entries


email sending keys are shared with POST /api/v1/user:

l10n key description
email.usermanagement.block.subject subject of mail to send
email.usermanagement.block.header header of email body
email.usermanagement.block.password.forgot_password body of mail to send, if process was success body of mail to send, if email address needs to get confirmed
email.usermanagement.block.footer footer of email body

within the email templates the following keys are replaced (using the %(key)s syntax):

key description
displayname name of recipient
token one-time authentication token
url URL to easydb frontend