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Retrieve users

GET /api/v1/user[/<id>]?token=<token>[&limit=<limit>][&offset=<offset>][&groupids=<groupids>][&type=<type>][&changed_since=<changed_since>][&include_password=<include_password>]

Retrieves one user or a list of users, ordered by the user ID (ascending).

Path parameters

id User ID (integer, optional): get user id. If id is omitted, all users (filtered by rights management) are returned.

Query String

token Session token acquired with /api/v1/session
limit Return no more than <limit> users. Default: 1000, maximum: 1000
offset Skip first <offset> users. Default: 0
groupids Return users belonging to at least one of the groups with IDs <groupids> (comma seperated list). Example: groupid1,groupid2,...
type Return users belonging to at least one of the types (comma seperated list). Example: system,easydb,...
changed_since Return users with date of update greater or equal than <changed_since>. Format: <YYYY-MM-DD>[THH:MM][:SS][T(+/-)HH:MM] Example: 2017-06-05, 2017-06-05T19:30, 2017-06-05T19:30-03:00
include_password Return password hash, as well as the crypt method (sha-512, md5). See “Returning password hashes”.


Array of users. The field password will not be returned. But you can retrieve the password hashes and crypt methods explicitly (see “Returning password hashes”).

Depending on the rights of the user, some fields may not be visible. See “Permissions”.


The session must be authenticated.

The session user requires the system.user right and read for the user.

Additionally, a user can read some information about itself (session user is the same as requested user), even if it does not have the write right:

Returning password hashes

This should only be used for migrations, and is protected by multiple settings and rights. Since this might pose a security risk, it should be avoided!

By requesting the users with &include_password=true, the user records will include the password hash and crypt method (see Full format)

Necessary rights and server settings are:

The known values for _password_insecure_hash_method are:

HTTP status codes

200 Success
400 API error: something is malformed
400 Not Authenticated: session is not authenticated
400 No System Right: no system.user right
400 No System Right: no system.root right if &include_password=true is requested
400 User Not Found: user id not found
400 Insufficient Rights: no read right
500 Server error: internal server error


Request:  GET /api/v1/user/2
Response: HTTP 200
        "user": {
            "_id": 2,
            "_version": 3,
            "is_system_user": false,
            "login": "jsmith",
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "displayname": "Dr. John Smith",
            "frontend_prefs": {
                "frontend-skin": "aqua"

Insert or update users

POST/PUT /api/v1/user?token=<token>

Creates (PUT) or updates (POST) users. The related “user collection” will be created or updated (if required).

Query String

token Session token acquired with /api/v1/session


Array of users. Depending on the user rights, more or less information is available: see GET above.


Array of users that were updated.

New primary e-mail

If the request includes a _new_primary_email it will be processed as follows:

The e-mail address remains as _new_primary_email until it is confirmed.

Email sending

Inserting or updating users might trigger sending of emails to one or more of the user’s email addresses. Each email contains different parts:

name l10n key description
subject email.usermanagement.block.subject Subject of email, identical for all types of emails
header email.usermanagement.block.header Common text at the beginning of the email body
email part* Information regarding email address
password part email.usermanagement.block.password.* Information regarding password
footer email.usermanagement.block.footer Common text at the end of the email body

For the email part and the password part there is at most one part each, it may also be missing completely. If neither an email part or a password part is given, no email is sent at all.

When sent_email of the email address is not set to true, no email is sent to this address, either.

email part

The first part which meets all conditions is used:

name l10n key conditions description
confirm address needs_confirmation is set to true email part requests user to confirm the email address, confirm_url is replaced in l10n key. This URL contains an authentication token and the email address to be confirmed: <proto>://<base-url>/#confirm_email:<token>:<email>. The email part is URL-encoded. This data can be used to confirm the email using the /session/confirm_email API call.
info new address email address is newly created information about email address is included, use_for_login and use_for_email are replaced using localized values of yes and no
info updated address email address is updated information about email address is included, use_for_login and use_for_email are replaced using localized values of yes and no

cancel a requested confirmation of an email address

When a confirmation request has been sent, the confirmation request can be cancelled by sending the write-only parameter "cancel_confirmation": true.

This also overrules the write-only parameter needs_confirmation.

password part

The first part which meets all conditions is used:

name l10n key conditions description
forgot password email.usermanagement.block.password.forgot_password /api/v1/session/forgot_password called; email address doesn’t need to get confirmed not possible using /api/v1/user, just for reference
change password email.usermanagement.block.password.change_password set_change_password set to true (either request or database) and active password present user is requested to change password, set_password_url is replaced in l10n key
set password email.usermanagement.block.password.set_password set_change_password set to true (either request or database) and no active password present user is requested to change password, set_password_url is replaced in l10n key
password in email email.usermanagement.block.password.password_is send_email_include_password is true and _password is either true or a new password inform user about the new password, password is replaced in l10n key
password set, call admin email.usermanagement.block.password.call_admin _password set in request inform user about a password change, user has receive to new password by other means


The session must be authenticated.

Updating a user

If the session user has the write right for the user, the user is editable.

In the case that the user groups are provided (_groups), notice that:

Additionally, a user can edit some information about itself (session user is the same as requested user), even if it does not have the write right:

If the user is a system user (type “system”), the following parameters cannot be modified:

Any attempt to modify one of them will result in a User Update System Group error.

A user cannot disable its own login (i.e. set login_disabled to true).

Creating a user

If a user is created, the session user requires the system.user right with create. This right implies the write right and the rules for update apply. This means, for example, that if the user is linked to a group, the link right for the group must exist for the user.

When creating a user, the owner will be set to the session user. An attempt to set a different owner will trigger a Change Owner On Creation error.

HTTP status codes

200 Success
400 API error: something is malformed
400 Bad Password: new password is not valid due to policy
400 Not Authenticated: session is not authenticated
400 Insufficient Rights: no “write”, “link” or “unlink” right (the error tells which)
400 No System Right: user lacks the required system right to create/update a user (the error tells which)
400 Change Owner On Creation: the user attempted to set a different owner than him-/herself when creating a user
400 Invalid Password: invalid password
400 User Update System Group: the user attempted to put the user in a system group
400 Update System User: the user attempted to update a system user’s property that is now allowed to change (the error parameters tell which one)
400 User Not Found: user not foudn (user._id, or in _acl.who or _owner.who)
400 Group Not Found: group not found (in _acl.who, _owner.who or _groups)
400 Right Not Found: a right that was provided for _acl or _system_rights was not found
400 Invalid User Type Change: invalid user change: see user
400 Email Already Exists: the provided e-mail already exists in the system
400 Primary Check Number: the user has provided more than one primary e-mail addresses
400 Primary Check Active: the user is trying to set an inactive e-mail to be primary
400 Intended Primary Check Number: the user has provided more than one intended primary e-mail addresses
400 Intended Primary Check Requested: the user is trying to set an e-mail to be intended primary without requesting confirmation
400 User Auto Disable: the user is trying to set login_disabled to true for its own user record
400 Register User Login Or Email Required: attempting to register as new user without login nor e-mail address
400 Custom Type Required: attempting to assign the “system.user.create_new” right with type “custom” but without specifying the “custom_type”
400 Group Required: attempting to create a user without group when “require_group” was set
400 Login Change Not Allowed For Email User: attempting to change the login of an “email” user
500 Server error: internal server error


Request:  PUT /api/v1/user
        "user": {
            "_version": 1,
            "login": "sysadmin",
            "_include_password_in_email": true
        "_groups": [
        "_emails": [
                "email": ""
        "_owner": { … },
	    "_password": null || "string" || true // with true a password will be generated

Response: HTTP 200
        "user": {
            "_id": 13,                      // ID is returned in the response
            "_version": 1,
            "login": "sysadmin",
            "displayname": ""
        "_groups": [
        "_emails": [
                "email": "",
        "_owner": { … }
Request:  POST /api/v1/user
        "user": {
            "_id": 13,
            "_version": 2,
            "displayname": "System Admin"
        "_owner": { … }
Response: HTTP 200
        "user": {
            "_id": 13,
            "_version": 2,
            "login": "sysadmin",
            "displayname": "System Admin"
        "_groups": [
        "_emails": [
                "email": "",
        "_owner": { … }

Delete user

DELETE /api/v1/user/<id>?token=<token>

Delete a user. The user is archived if there has been activity, otherwise deleted.

The user collection is also deleted, along with its subtree.

Path parameters

id Object ID (integer)

Query String

token Session token acquired with /api/v1/session


The session must be authenticated and have the delete right for the user provided.

System users are not allowed to be deleted.

HTTP status codes

200 Success
400 API error: something is malformed
400 Not Authenticated: session is not authenticated
400 Insufficient Rights: no “delete” right
400 User Not Found: user id not found
400 Delete System User: the user attempted to delete a system user


Request:  DELETE /api/v1/user/2
Response: HTTP 200