DE EN EN (Google)

Retrieve objects as deep links

GET /api/v1/objects/...

Returns a user object or asset in the specified format

If an authorized session is provided, the search will be performed using it. Else, the search will be conducted on behalf of the system user “deep_link”.

Path parameters

The path parameters specify which object or asset is being accessed. It is organized in “path parts”, consisting of one or more path entries.

The path parts can be given in any particular order.

Path part: object selection

Objects can be accessed in one of three ways. One and only one of the following has to be provided:

Object Selection by System Object ID

URL path description
system-object-id _system_object_id of the object
GET /api/v1/objects/id/1

Object Selection by System Object UUID

URL path description
uuid _uuid of the object
GET /api/v1/objects/uuid/12345678-abcd-1234-5678-abcdef123456

Object Selection by searching for an unique column value

URL path description
objecttype objecttype of the object that is searched
column name of the column used to search the object, it has to be unique
value value to search for
GET /api/v1/objects/column/example_object/reference/ref123

Path part: mask selection

If not specified, the object will be returned in the best mask.

URL path description
mask-name name of the mask to use
GET /api/v1/objects/id/1/mask/mask-name

GET /api/v1/objects/uuid/12345678-abcd-1234-5678-abcdef123456/mask/mask-name

GET /api/v1/objects/column/example_object/reference/ref123/mask/mask-name

Path part: version selection

These parameters allow to ask for a specific version of the object. The object will be rendered in the schema version that was current when the object version was created. A mask specification is not possible and will be ignored.

The object is rendered in the _all_fields mask of the old version. This means the object will be rendered with all fields of the old schema version. This means especially, that old field names and types will be used. Schema changes since this object version was created will not be visible.

The version can only be requested in combination with /api/v1/objects/id and /api/v1/objects/uuid, it is not allowed for /api/v1/objects/column.

It is not possible to combine them:

Latest (current) version

URL path

This is the default behaviour.

GET /api/v1/objects/id/1/latest

GET /api/v1/objects/uuid/12345678-abcd-1234-5678-abcdef123456/latest

GET /api/v1/objects/column/example_object/reference/ref123/latest

will return the same object version as

GET /api/v1/objects/id/1

GET /api/v1/objects/uuid/12345678-abcd-1234-5678-abcdef123456

GET /api/v1/objects/column/example_object/reference/ref123

A specific version by version number:

URL path description
version version of the object
GET /api/v1/objects/id/1/version/1

GET /api/v1/objects/uuid/12345678-abcd-1234-5678-abcdef123456/version/1

Note: The version selection can not be combined with /api/v1/objects/column/!

A specific version by date:

URL path description
date Date (+ time) in ISO 8601 format. Returns the latest version at the given time, accepted combinations of date and time are:
  • YYYY
date + time:
GET /api/v1/objects/id/1/date/2018-12-10

GET /api/v1/objects/uuid/12345678-abcd-1234-5678-abcdef123456/date/2018-12-10

Note: The selection by date can not be combined with /api/v1/objects/column/!

Path part: file selection

If specified, an asset will be returned.

There are several options:

URL path description
n nth file in _standard
URL path description
n nth file in object: the order is determined by the mask
URL path description
n file ID (EAS-ID)
URL path description
name column name
n nth position of the asset field inside a nested table (optional, defaults to 1)

For file/column/<name>/<n>, the position is used to get an asset from a field inside a nested table. n is the position of the field inside the nested table.

For assets in a single field, the position is ignored and the single asset will be returned. This is different from the fylr API, where the position is not allowed if the field is not inside a nested table.

The position values start at 1.

Note: if the path has more parts, the position value must be given to avoid problems with the path parser.

Path part: file version selection

Only valid in combination with file. Defaults to “preferred”.

Note: This setting is ignored if the file is accessed directly through id.

There are two options:

URL path description
preferred preferred version
URL path description
n nth version

Path part: asset version selection

Only valid in combination with file. Defaults to version “original”.

Note: This setting is ignored if the file is accessed directly through id.

There are two options:

URL path description
name name of the version (depending on the asset type), for values see configuration in
Administration - Base Configuration - Server-Config under key eas.
standard values are:
for Image: small, preview, preview_watermark, huge, full
for Video: small, preview, preview_watermark, huge, 360p, 720p, 1920p
for Audio: small, preview, preview_watermark, aac
for Office: small, preview, preview_watermark, pages
for Archive: small, preview, directory
URL path description
name name of the version group, for values see configuration in
Administration - Base Configuration - Server-Config under key eas.
standard values are: thumbnail, preview, huge

Path part: format

This setting is only used for objects. The format of files is defined by the files themselves.

The default format is JSON.

URL path description
format one of the following: json, xml_easydb, xslt, csv
option only for format xslt: the stylesheet to apply (<xslt-name> as defined in the Administration - Base Configuration - Export, deep links and XSLT)
GET /api/v1/objects/id/1/format/json

GET /api/v1/objects/id/1/format/xml_easydb

GET /api/v1/objects/id/1/format/csv

GET /api/v1/objects/id/1/format/xslt/<xslt-name>

Content-Type in Header for XSLT format

If a XSLT format is selected, the HTTP Header Content-Type is set depending on the content of the XSLT file. The attributes "media-type" and "method" of the <xsl:ouput> tag (see are analyzed to determine the best Content-Type for the response:

Path part: disposition

Sets the content disposition header. Defaults to:

URL path description
value one of the following: inline, attachment

Query String

The query string specifies formatting, as well as the session used to access the object.

token Session token acquired with /api/v1/session, optional
auth System user that is used for retrieving information, optional. Possible values are: “deep_link” (default) and “oai_pmh”


If file is provided, the output is a redirect to the requested file.

Else, the output is an object in the requested format.


The user (provided through token or auth) needs the “read” right for the requested object and the “mask” right for the given mask (see rights management).

If the token is not provided, the following base config parameters are checked:

HTTP status codes

200 Success, object
302 Success, redirect to file
400 API error: something is malformed
400 Object Not Found: object not found
400 Objects Not Allowed: the base configuration does not allow the operation: see “Permissions”
500 Server error: internal server error