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Retrieve objecttypes

GET /api/v1/objecttype[/<id>]?token=<token>

Get one or all objecttypes.

Path parameters

id Objecttype ID (integer, optional)

Query String

token Session token acquired with /api/v1/session
format If set to short, the fields requiring the system.objecttypemanager right (see below) are not returned, even if the user has been granted this right.


Array of objecttypes. If id was given, that objecttype is returned. Otherwise, all objecttypes are returned.


The session must be authenticated.

The following fields are not returned if the user lacks the system.objecttypemanager right: _acl, _tags, _private_tags, _transitions, _private_transitions.

HTTP status codes

200 Success
400 API error: something is malformed
403 Not Authenticated: session is not authenticated
404 Not Found: objecttype id not found
500 Server error: internal server error

Update objecttypes

Objecttypes are created using the /api/v1/schema calls, the calls described here can only add additional information to already existing objecttypes.

POST /api/v1/objecttype?token=<token>[&collection_rights_policy=<collection_rights_policy>]

Update a list of objecttypes.

Query String

token Session token acquired with /api/v1/session
collection_rights_policy What to do if the operation causes the owner of a collection to lose grantable rights over collection objects (see rightsmanagement)


Array of objecttypes. The _id must be set.


Array of updated objecttypes.


The session must be authenticated.

The following fields cannot be modifed if the user lacks the system.rights_management right: _acl, _tags, _private_tags, _transitions, _private_transitions. An attempt to modify any of these will result in a 403 error.

HTTP status codes

200 Success
202 Confirmation Response (collection owner rights revoked: the operation requires confirmation with a collection_rights_policy
400 API error: something is malformed
403 Not Authenticated: session is not authenticated
403 No System Right: user lacks the required system right to update the objecttype
500 Server error: internal server error