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Retrieve the list of published objects

GET /api/v1/publish[/<system_object_id>]?token=<token>

Retrieves publishing information.

Path parameters

parameter description
system_object_id System Object ID to get publish information for (integer, optional). If not provided, publish information for all objects is returned

Query String

parameter description
limit Maximum number of items returned (integer, optional). When not provided or if it exceeds 1000, a limit of 1000 is used.
offset Offset in result set (integer, optional). 0 is used if none is requested.
token Session token acquired with /api/v1/session


a list of publish objects.


The system right system.api.publish.get is required to use this request.

Publish an object

POST /api/v1/publish?token=<token>

Only new publishing can be done using this API. There is no possibility to update an existing objects. Use DELETE as documented below to remove the object and publish it again.


a list of publish objects.


If any of these requirements is not met, the publishing of the object will fail with an API error.


a list of publish objects. In addition to the data in input an ID is added for each object.

Query String

parameter description
token Session token acquired with /api/v1/session


The system right is required to use this request.

HTTP status codes

400 API error: error.api.attribute_expected in case any of system_object_id, collector, publish_uri, easydb_uri are missing
400 API error: error.api.invalid_value in case collector is not found in the base config, of (optional) version is invalid, or the (optional) prefix + publish_uri is not a valid URL
500 Server error: generic server error in case something unexpected happens while handling the request

De-publish an object

DELETE /api/v1/publish/<publish_id>?token=<token>

Path parameters

parameter description
publish_id ID of publishing object (integer, optional).

Query String

parameter description
token Session token acquired with /api/v1/session


The system right system.api.publish.delete is required to use this request.