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Rights management for assets

These rights affect the manipulation and visibility of asset values for user-defined objects. The realms for assets are the same realms that apply for objects. In general, the rights management for assets works the same as for objects.

Asset versions can be subject to rights management or not (see EAS rights management configuration). The rights asset_show and asset_download refer only to the rights managed versions (the other ones are always visible).


Right Parameters Realm Grantable in collection Description
asset_show versions (preview-versions) object yes Version is available for this object in the given versions
[column_ids (column-select)]
asset_show versions (preview-versions) objecttype-without-pool yes Version is available for objects of this objecttype (no pool) in the given versions
[column_ids (column-select)]
asset_show versions (preview-versions) pool yes Version is available for objects in this pool in the given versions
[column_ids (column-select)]
asset_show versions (preview-versions) tag yes Version is available for objects with this tag in the given versions
[column_ids (column-select)]
asset_show versions (preview-versions) collection yes Version is available for objects in this collection in the given versions
[column_ids (column-select)]
asset_download versions (preview-versions) object yes Version is available for download for this object in the given versions
[column_ids (column-select)]
asset_download versions (preview-versions) objecttype-without-pool yes Version is available for download for objects of this objecttype (no pool) in the given versions
[column_ids (column-select)]
asset_download versions (preview-versions) pool yes Version is available for download for objects in this pool in the given versions
[column_ids (column-select)]
asset_download versions (preview-versions) tag yes Version is available for download for objects with this tag in the given versions
[column_ids (column-select)]
asset_download versions (preview-versions) collection yes Version is available for download for objects in this collection in the given versions
[column_ids (column-select)]
asset_upload [column_ids (column-select)] objecttype-without-pool no Upload assets for this objecttype
[limit (int)]
[classes (string-list)]
[extensions (string-list)]
[allow_update_and_remove (bool)] (also allows to remove and replace assets)
asset_upload [column_ids (column-select)] pool no Upload assets for this pool
[limit (int)]
[classes (string-list)]
[extensions (string-list)]
[allow_update_and_remove (bool)] (also allows to remove and replace assets)
asset_upload [column_ids (column-select)] collection no Upload assets for this collection
[limit (int)]
[classes (string-list)]
[extensions (string-list)]
[allow_update_and_remove (bool)] (also allows to remove and replace assets)

Asset rights can be filtered. In all cases, an empty attribute means “do not filter”:

The versions have a hierarchy, defined by their order in the settings file.