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Rights management for objects

These rights affect the manipulation and visibility of user-defined objects. Notice that object ownership also affects rights management.


The rights management for objects consists of multiple levels or realms:

Objecttype Without Pool

An ACL can be specified for an objecttype (attribute _acl). All objects from that objecttype will gain the rights assigned in that ACL. There is no inheritance between Objecttype-ACLs. Objecttypes are independent from each other.

You cannot assign rights directly through objecttypes with a pool link. Instead, the pool hierarchy can be used. If you wish to assign a right for all objects of an objecttype with pool link, assign them at the root pool for that objecttype.


An ACL can be specified for a tag (attribute _acl). All objects that have that tag attached (via _tags) will gain the rights assigned in that ACL. There is no inheritance between Tag-ACLs. Tags are independent from each other.


An ACL can be specified for a pool (attribute _acl). Pools also inherit all ACL from all their ancestors. However, if a Pool has the _private_acl flag set, the ACL to that pool is private and only sticky ACL entries from their ancestors are inherited. An invisible Root-Pool is created as a top-level-node holding a master ACL.

All objects in a pool will gain the rights that result from this procedure.


Collections inherit all ACL from all their parents.

However, if a Collection has the _private_acl flag set (see collection), the ACL to that Collection is private and only sticky ACLs from all their parents are inherited.

An invisible Root-Collection is created as a top-level-node holding a master ACL.

All objects in a collection will gain the rights that result from this procedure.

Furthermore, objects inside a collection require that the Owner of the collection has all necessary grantable rights which are in the ACL of the Collection at any time.

When rights for the Owner of Collections are withdrawn, the respective /api/objecttype, /api/tag, /api/pool or /api/db request can be refused by the server to get additional confirmation from the user. The server then offers a choice to the user: “remove_acl” removes affected ACLs from affected Collections, “remove_objects” removes the objects affected by this change.


An ACL can be specified for a specific object (attribute _acl) if the objecttype is configured in the user schema with the flag acl_table set.

Objects whose objecttype is hierarchical inherit all ACL from all their parents.

However, if an Object has the _private_acl flag set (see object), the ACL to that Object is private and only sticky ACLs from all their parents are inherited.


Note: “Parameters” contains a list fo parameters specified as <parameter-name> (<parameter-type>). If a parameter is optional, its name will be enclosed in square brackets.

Right Parameters Realm Grantable in collection Description
read - object yes Object can be read (and searched)
read - objecttype-without-pool yes Objects of this Objecttype can be read (and searched)
read objecttype_ids (objecttype-select) pool yes Objects from the given objecttypes in this Pool can be read (and searched)
read - collection yes Objects in this collection can be read (and searched)
read - tag yes Objects with this tag can be read (and searched)
write - object yes Object can be written
write - objecttype-without-pool yes Objects of this objecttype can be written
write objecttype_ids (objecttype-select) pool yes Objects from the given objecttypes in this pool can be written
write - collection yes Objects in this collection can be written
write - tag yes Objects with this tag can be written
delete - object yes Object can be deleted
delete - objecttype-without-pool yes Objects of this Objecttype can be deleted
delete objecttype_ids (objecttype-select) pool yes Objects from the given objecttypes in this Pool can be deleted
delete - tag yes Objects with this tag can be deleted
delete - collection yes Objects in this collection can be deleted
mask mask ids (mask-select) pool no Masks that can be used, by objecttype
mask mask ids (mask-select) objecttype-without-pool no Masks that can be used (only the target objecttype is allowed to be present)
acl - objecttype-without-pool no ACL of objects of this objecttype can be changed
acl - tag no ACL of objects with this tag can be changed
acl objecttype_ids (objecttype-select) pool no ACL of objects of this objecttype in this pool can be changed
create - objecttype-without-pool no Objects of this Objecttype can be created
create objecttype_ids (objecttype-select) pool no Objects can be created inside the Pool for the allowed Objecttypes
create_in_collection - collection no Objects can be created in the collection for the default objecttype-mask-pool combination for that collection (see collection)
change_owner - objecttype-without-pool no Owner can be changed for the objects of this Objecttype
change_owner objecttype_ids (objecttype-select) pool no Owner can be changed for the objects of the given Objecttypes in this Pool
link objecttype_ids (objecttype-select) pool no Objects from the given objecttypes can be linked to this pool
link objecttype_ids (objecttype-select) collection no Objects from the given objecttypes and/or pools can be linked to this collection
pool_ids (pool-select)
unlink objecttype_ids (objecttype-select) pool no Objects from the given objecttypes can be unlinked from this pool
unlink objecttype_ids (objecttype-select) collection no Objects from the given objecttypes and/or pools can be unlinked from this collection
pool_ids (pool-select)


Right dependencies

The following dependencies exist:

ACL properties

ACL entries containing object-related rights can be filtered by the tags the object is attached to using a tag filter. That ACL-entry is taken into account only if the object passes the object filter. Notice that this filter will be ignored by other rights there may be in the ACL.

ACL entries in the pool and collection realms use the attribute sticky, as described above. This also applies for the object realm when the objecttype is hierarchical.


The owner of an object has the following rights:

Note: If an object has a group as owner, all users in the group are considered to own the object.