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A pool is a container for objects. Only objects from an object type with “pool management” are stored in pools, and they have to be in exactly one pool. The pool can be used to:

The pools build a hierarchy, which is represented by the relation pool._id_parent in the pool object. When searching pools, easydb offers special attributes relating to the pool hierarchy (_has_children, _level and _path).

Easydb creates automatically some “system pools”. These pools cannot be deleted or moved in the pool hierarchy (that is, change their _id_parent).

There are different formats to present a pool: full, full search, short and short search.

Full format

This format is used by /api/pool and contains all attributes that can be set for a pool. It is intended for administrators and is managed by the right bag_write.

Name Description
_basetype Name of the base type (string, r): pool
_acl ACL (array of acl entries, rw, optional)
_private_acl Marks the ACL as private (see rights management) (bool, rw, optional): defaults to false
_standard_masks ordered list of masks per objecttype for objects in this pool (object mapping objecttype ids to list of mask ids, e.g. {"12": [14, 1, 2], "13": [3, 4]}, optional): ref. objecttype._id, mask.mask_id. If set to null, the list is derived from the objecttype.
_tags Tags (array of tag entries, rw, optional)
_compiled_tags Compiled tags for objects in this pool (array of tag entries), r)
_private_tags Marks the tags as private (bool, rw, optional): defaults to false
_transitions Transitions (array of transitions, rw, optional)
_private_transitions Private transitions flag (bool, rw, optional): defaults to false
_has_children Whether this pool has nested pools (boolean, r)
_generated_rights Rights that the session user has for the pool (rights specification): bag_read, bag_write, bag_delete, bag_acl, bag_create
_set_spec OAI/PMH name for this set
pool Pool attributes:
_id Pool ID (integer, unique, r*)
lookup:_id Lookup for pool ID
_id_parent Parent pool ID (integer, rw)
lookup:_id_parent Lookup for ID of parent pool
_version Pool version (integer, rw)
is_system_pool Whether this is a system pool (boolean, r)
name Pool name (l10n, unique for pools with the same parent, rw)
description Pool description (l10n, optional, rw)
watermark Watermark to apply to the objects of this pool (watermark, optional, rw)
contact Contact (user (contact), optional, rw)
mapping_image_export Export mapping image to be used for this pool (integer/string, optional, rw): either an ID or one of the following: “parent”, “objecttype”, “none”
mapping_image_import Import mapping image to be used for this pool (integer/string, optional, rw): either an ID or one of the following: “parent”, “objecttype”, “none”
mapping_dc_export Dublin Core mapping to be used for this pool (integer/string, optional, rw): either an ID or one of the following: “parent”, “objecttype”, “none”
custom_data Custom JSON data, can contain any additional data for this pool (JSON object, optional, rw)
reference Pool reference (string, unique, optional, rw): can be used for lookups for _id and _id:parent
shortname Pool short name (string, unique, optional, rw): can be used for lookups for _id and _id:parent
comment Pool comment (string, optional, rw)
created_timestamp timestamp of creation of this pool (timestamp, r)
last_updated_timestamp timestamp of the last update of this pool (timestamp, r)


Notice that all pools must have a valid _id_parent (except for the root pool, which is a system pool).

Full search format

This format is used when searching pools. The column “Search” specifies the search type that can be used (see /api/search). For fields that are already present in the full format a description is not provided. This format is intended for all users when they need to view or choose a pool and is managed by the right bag_read.

Name Description Search
_has_acl Whether this pool has a non-empty ACL (boolean, r) Boolean
_level Level of this pool in the hierarchy (integer, r) Number
_path Path to this pool (array of pools (short), r): from top level to this pool, including it Number (_path.pool._id)
_id Number
_id_parent Number
_version Number
is_system_pool Boolean
name L10n (all)
shortname NonAnalyzed
description L10n (all)

Short format

The short format is used to render pools inside user objects and other pools. If the attribute referencing this pool is marked as writable, pool._id is writable. The other fields are readable-only.

It contains the following attributes:

_path (pools in short format)

The pools inside _path do not have a _path themselves.

Short search format

This format is used when searching objects using the fields of their linked pools. The column “Search” specifies the search type that can be used (see /api/search). For fields that are already present in the short or full search format a description is not provided.

Name Description Search
_level Number
_path (pools in short format) Number (_path.pool._id)
_id Number
_id_parent Number
_version Number
name L10n

The pools inside _path do not have a _path themselves.

System pools

Root pool used as the root pool in the hierarchy
Standard pool standard pool