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Transitions define actions that are applied when manipulating user objects. This is the way transitions are evaluated:

Gather transitions

Transitions can be defined at global, objecttype and pool level. Depending on whether the object has a pool or not, objecttype or pool level transitions are gathered. This defines a hierarchy where every level may set a “_private_transitions” flag to indicate that transitions from higher levels should be ignored. A “sticky” flag can be set to indicate that a transition will be always gathered, regardless of the “_private_transitions” flag.

Transitions are processed in order: first the global transitions and then the other ones. In each level, the position is used for ordering purposes.

Check which transitions apply

From the list of transitions only those are taken into account which match the conditions they define:

Check the transition type

  1. if any transition is “reject”, the operation is rejected
  2. else, if any transition has a “resolve” action, the operation continues
  3. else, if any transition has an “exit” action, take the last one defined and: 3a. if it is an “exit_reject” action, the operation is rejected 3b. if it is an “exit_resolve” action, the operation continues
  4. else (type “process”), the operation continues normally (notice that this is case also happens when no matching transitions are found)

If the transaction is rejected, the transition which caused the rejection (case 1 or case 3a) is used for the following:

Check the confirmation messages

All confirm messages from the transitions without process actions and with “resolve” process actions are gathered. If the process step (3b) has been reached and this transition also has a confirm message, it will be gathered too.

The first time, the server generates a code based on the operation and sends a 202 to the client. If the user confirms the messages, the client will retry the operation with the confirmation code. This second time, the operation continues.

Perform the operation

If any transition has the action “set_tags”, the object’s tags are changed accordingly. Then, all plugin defined actions are executed, which can result in changing the objects. At last, the operation runs.

Send e-mails

If the operation was succesful and there are any actions of type “email”, execute them.

See /api/db for more information.


Name Description
_id Transition ID (integer, unique, r)
type Transition type (string): one of process, reject, resolve, exit_reject and exit_resolve
who List of user and/or group this transition applies to (array of groups (short) and/or users (short))
operations Operations this transition applies to (non-empty array of strings): valid operations are INSERT, UDPATE and DELETE
objecttype_ids Objecttypes this transition applies to (array of objecttype-IDs, optional): an empty array or null means that it applies to all objecttypes
tagfilter:before Tag filter that should match to the object before the operation (tag filter, optional)
tagfilter:after Tag filter that should match to the object after the operation (tag filter, optional)
sticky Specifies that this transition should be sticky in hierarchies (boolean, optional): defaults to false
confirm Confirmation text (l10n, optional): if not given, no confirmation is required
actions Actions to perform (array of actions, optional, rw)

Transition action

All actions have the common structure:

Name Description
type Action type (string)
info Action description (JSON object): parameters of the action (see below)

There are two pre-defined action types: “set_tags” and “email”. These are defined below. Plugins can define more actions.

Action “set_tags”

The action “set_tags” defines a list of tags to be set / unset. If a tag is marked to be set and it already is, nothing happens. Similarly, if a tag is marked to be unset and it is not found on the object, nothing happens.

Name Description
tags Array of:
_id Tag ID (integer)
set Value (boolean): whether the tag must be set or unset

Action “email”

The action “email” is used to send an e-mail to one or more users:

Name Description
recipients Array of groups (short) and/or users (short), at least one must be provided
subject E-mail subject (l10n, optional): defaults to a standard subject defined in the L10n configuration
message E-mail message (l10n, optional): defaults to a standard message defined in the L10n configuration
batchable Whether the e-mail is batchable or not (boolean): defaults to true

The e-mail will be sent to the user(s) according to their configuration. If batchable is set, all e-mails that were generated by this transition will be merged. If not, a separate e-mail will be sent for each action.

Action “webhook”

The “webhook” action queues a request to notify an external service when the transition is applied. As an example the service behind the webhook URL may publish an object and register it using the publish API.

Name Description
name name of the webhook to execute. This name has to be defined in base configuration variable system.transition_webhook.webhooks[*].name.
synchronous use synchronous operation. Currently this property has to be unset or false as only asynchronous operation is supported.

When the action is fired, the URL configured in system.transition_webhook.webhooks[*].url is notified with the following information:

  "action": "transition",                            // fixed value
  "operation": "UPDATE",                             // type of operation triggering the webhook
  "objects": [{                                      // list of object infos
    "_system_object_id": 321,                        // system object ID of object affected by transition
    "_uuid": "e7d83d7a-0409-4e4d-a365-a75b82b50d1b", // UUID of object
    "_objecttype": "example",                        // object type
    "example": {
      "_id": 123,                                    // internal ID of object
      "_version": 2                                  // new version of object

An HTTP POST request is used to transmit the data. When system.transition_webhook.webhooks[*].secret is set, an HMAC is generated according to and provided in X-Hub-Signature HTTP request header.

The response of the webhook URL is expected to be JSON.

When requesting the webhook URL, a timeout of 60 seconds is applied by default. This timeout can be changed using the base configuration variable system.transition_webhook.webhooks[*].timeout.

On success an event named WEBHOOK_OK is generated, also containing the response received from the webhook URL. When an error occurs, a WEBHOOK_ERROR event is generated, containing the error message. In both cases, the request URL and body is included in the event.