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Insert an asset

POST /api/v1/eas/put?token=<token>

Upload a new asset.

Query String

token Session token acquired with /api/v1/session
mapping use given metadata mapping to populate record with metadata from asset (optional, requires mask)
mask mask to use when preparing record from metadata (optional, see mapping)
objecttype object type to use if mask is _all_fields (optional, see mask)
check_for_duplicates if set to “1” or “true”, assets with the same checksum are returned in the _duplicates array
skip_extension_check if set to “1” or “true”, the check for file extensions is skipped


The asset is provided in the request body (multipart/form-data). The request is redirected to EAS /api/v1/put.

The name of form parameter containing the file does not matter, only a filename option in the enclosed Content-Disposition header is expected. One request must not contain more than one file upload form fields.


An array containing Asset objects is returned. For now there is exactly one object in response.

    "_id": 1000481951,
    "compiled": "png image, 300 x 90 @ 8 bit, 8.5 kB",
    "class": "image",
    "extension": "png",
    "class_extension": "image.png",
    "filesize": 8714,
    "technical_metadata": {  },
    "versions": {  }


The user must be authenticated. The base config defines restrictions for asset upload:

HTTP status codes

200 Success
400 API error: something is malformed
400 Session Not Found: session not found fot token
400 Not Authenticated: session is not authenticated
400 Upload Limit Exceeded: a file size limit has been exceeded
400 Upload Type Not Allowed: the file type is not allowed
500 Server error: internal server error

Insert an asset from an external URL

POST /api/v1/eas/rput?token=<token>&filename=<filename>&url=<url>

Asynchronously fetches a file from an HTTP or HTTPS URL.

Query String

token Session token acquired with /api/v1/session
url HTTP or HTTPS URL to fetch the asset from. The URL is checked synchronously, but the file is fetched later.
filename filename to use as “original filename”. This parameter is currently mandatory.


An array containing Asset objects is returned. For now there is exactly one object in response. As the actual file is fetched later, only a minimal set of information is available directly.


The user must be authenticated. Due to technical limitations the configured upload restrictions (type check, size limit; see /api/v1/eas/put above) are not enforced.

HTTP status codes

200 Success
400 API error: something is malformed
400 Session Not Found: session not found fot token
400 Not Authenticated: session is not authenticated
500 Server error: internal server error

API Error when the given URL is not found

If the resource at the URL url is not available, an API Error (eas_http_404) is thrown:

    "realm": "user",
    "code": "error.user.eas_http_404",
    "parameters": {
        "url": ""

Get asset information

GET /api/v1/eas?token=<token>&ids=<ids>[&format={status|short|long}][&mapping={standard|none|<...>}|&mask={_all_fields|<...>}|&objecttype=<...>|&pool_id=<...>]

Get information available and accessible for an asset / several assets.

Query String

token Session token acquired with /api/v1/session
ids A JSON integer list containing the asset ids
format This arguments controls how much information is retrieved. It defaults to long
mapping use given metadata mapping to populate record with metadata from asset (optional, requires mask)

Possible values:
  • "standard" use mapping which is defined by the objecttype or pool (if there is one)
  • "none": use no mapping
  • ID of a mapping
mask mask to use when preparing record from metadata (optional, see mapping)
objecttype object type to use if mask is _all_fields (optional, see mask)
required if mask is _all_fields
pool_id ID of a pool which defines a mapping, if objecttype is pool managed (optional, see mapping)
ignored if mapping is not "standard"
check_for_duplicates if set to "1" or "true", assets with the same checksum are returned in the _duplicates array


A JSON object containing entries for each requested ID. Each entry contains different data depending on the chosen format:

All formats:

Property Description
id The asset ID
versions An object: "<version>": { <version-information> }. If the format is “status”, only the status of each version is given

Short / Long:

Property Description
compiled Information about the asset type and basic data as string
class_extension String containing "<asset-class>.<file-extension>"
original_filename Original filename (not present in "long" format!)
zoomer Information needed to retrieve the zoomer version of this asset (object)

Only long:

Property Description
asset_date Timestamp for asset date (string in ISO 8601 format)
pages Number of pages (integer)
metadata Metadata information (*)

(*) Example of representation of metadata:

  "group_names": [ "EAS::Common", "JFIF::Main", "XMP::rdf", ... ], // all groups that follow
  "EAS::Common": [
        "print": "myimage",
        "group": "EAS::Common",
        "name": "EAS:OriginalFilebase"
  "JFIF::Main": [
        "print": "1.01",
        "group": "JFIF::Main",
        "name": "JFIF:JFIFVersion"
        "print": "72",
        "group": "JFIF::Main",
        "name": "JFIF:XResolution"
  "XMP::rdf": [
        "print": "uuid:24c80c17-fd88-11db-ad2a-86831e1bea27",
        "group": "XMP::rdf",
        "name": "XMP-rdf:About"


If the asset is linked by a user object, the user must have the permissions required to see that user object (see GET /api/v1/db).

If the asset is a user picture, the user must have the permissions required to see the user picture (see /api/v1/user. For versions other than “standard”, the user requires the permissions needed to update the user picture.

If the asset is a pool watermark, the user must have the “bag_read” right. For versions other than “standard”, the “bag_write” right is required.

HTTP status codes

200 Success
400 API error: something is malformed
400 Not Authenticated: session is not authenticated
400 Insufficient Rights: no “read” or “mask” right (the error parameters explain which)
500 Server error: internal server error

Produce asset

POST /api/v1/eas/produce?token=<token>

Produces a new asset based on a given one. This call can change the file format, as well as transform the asset using rotations and cropping.

Query String

token Session token acquired with /api/v1/session


The input is a JSON object with the following attributes:

Name Description
eas_parent_id Asset parent ID (integer): ID of the asset that will be used to produce a new one
description Asset description (l10n, optional): Description
format Target format (string, optional). If omitted, the source format is kept
transform Transformations (array of transformations, see below, optional): if given, transformations to be applied to eas_parent_id in the given order

The transformations are defined as a JSON object with one of the following parameters:

Name Description
rotate-z Z-Rotation (integer): 90, 180, 270 are allowed
rotate-x X-Rotation (integer): 180 is allowed
rotate-y Y-Rotation (integer): 180 is allowed
crop Crop (object)
top Top position (integer): >= 0
left Left position (integer): >= 0
width Width (integer): >= 1
height Height (integer): >= 1


The response of a status request (GET /api/v1/eas&format={status}) for the new asset.


The same restrictions apply as for GET /api/v1/eas, referring in this case to the eas_parent_id.

HTTP status codes

200 Success
400 API error: something is malformed
400 Not Authenticated: session is not authenticated
400 Asset Not Found: asset eas_parent_id not found
400 Insufficient Rights: no “read” or “mask” right (the error parameters explain which)
500 Server error: internal server error